Reviews for Film
Yddra chapter 4 . 1/11/2012
Hi,just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this story so far. I like the mystery element and am interested to see how the story progresses.

I like the place it's set too - and how I can tell through their voices. I think it's quite difficult to get that right when writing (not too corny/offensive/unintelligible etc) but you've definitely got it right. For me at least.

Anyway, thank you again and I look forward to reading more :D

J.L. Hastings chapter 4 . 6/28/2010
Guh! I need more! Please update soon!
StangenBaer chapter 4 . 7/5/2009
HEY! I just wanted to tell you that I love 'Film', but are you going to update, 'cause I really want to find out how this story goes on!

forwards for words chapter 4 . 12/12/2008
Gah, this is fantastic! Like a Laurie Faria Stolarz mystery for guys, haha. It's very personal, get's the reader close and touchy-feely with a closeknit knot of realistic characters, and turns everyone into a suspect. I seriously had a few goosebumps when Andy and Tyler were at the ditch.

I'm feeling very anxious as to when murders will start popping up on film, though. (Also, Tyler's sixty-minute porn career, whoo!) I look forward to any upcoming updates. You really have something exciting going here.

- Louis
Liviania chapter 4 . 11/7/2008
I loved Andy punching the reporter.

You've got a really good atmosphere. It's tense without being too much.

InSilverShadows chapter 4 . 11/6/2008
I gotta say, I am not crazy about the chapter title. :/ Other than that, you lied again. It's fine.

I am still hoping Freddie gets whacked a good one. ;)

Poor Jay. I mean, damn. All he ever did was want to be a film major.

(i think you should learn a lesson here)
Faith Adeline chapter 4 . 11/5/2008
Good job, I liked it. Keep it up.

Sheepie chapter 3 . 9/22/2008
Interesting story. I like it so far, I'm curious to see what happens. Can't wait for an update! Good job! :)
An Eccentric Caffeine Addict chapter 3 . 8/23/2008
I love it when I find a thriller/suspense fic that is actually well written! Great job on this and I really hope you update soon!

I'm really liking the character development. You introduced a number of characters but didn't throw all of their personal traits and stories at us. Just little snippets which definitely builds the story well. Personally I love Andy and Tyler's relationship. It's very cute and Tyler's dependency on his best friend is showing very clearly with the way he keeps reminding the rest of his friends that Andy's more important to him.

Nicely done. Although the (Me) (Him) thing was sorta informal, even for a story.
Liviania chapter 3 . 8/14/2008
Interesting story. I wonder what happened between Tyler and the group (aside from Andy).

InSilverShadows chapter 3 . 7/28/2008
“Watch yo’ mouth in ma house, boy.”


Again, you were overthinking. Only thing I had a problem with was the (Him) (Me) (Him) (Me) thing... once, maybe, but after every line it was tedious. I like the tension between all of them building... still scared of Tyler, especially at the end there. *shudders* Tom's cool. Freddie and Jay remain the favorites, though. XD
Faith Adeline chapter 3 . 7/27/2008
Good job, I liked the chapter. Keep it up and update soon!

magalina chapter 2 . 7/12/2008
Love this so far :)
Ishmishkiki - too lazy to log chapter 2 . 6/16/2008
O my god, so exciting. Do continue!
Amindaya chapter 2 . 6/2/2008
Oh. Creepy. Love it. I hope you update soon, and yes, this is definitely worth a continuation in my book. (Please.)
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