Reviews for the story of kaitlyn's girl
Raz- Ryu ashley chapter 17 . 5/11/2010
i know how that feels... its great cant wait for the next update
three chapter 17 . 10/17/2009
Thank you for sharing. The only one that can help is the Lord. He can take your heart and find the lost you and give you the strength to get through this. Being bulimic and having to fight the temptations that people with eating disorders face for the rest of their lives is an uphill battle. The lord can help you I promise.
vitriolicvermilion chapter 17 . 7/5/2009
You said pro-ana/mia, and this is somewhat true, but not completely. You see, you've created a fantastic story in verse, a thinspiration to those with EDs, and a cautionary tale that rings very, very true.

My favorite two parts were the description of Kaitlyn

"pretty pink curls,

violet eyes rimmed in black,

hip bones and collar bones

as sharp as her wit."

and the last chapter, the way it's formatted. Beautiful.

I hope that you'll take this off hiatus and continue it if you don't really have an ED, but if you do, I hope you've stopped writing it because you're recovering.

Anyway, fabulous job, wonderful story. I love it. (:
Inner Dragon chapter 17 . 9/21/2008
oh my god, i love this story so much. especially the formatting in this chapter, the double entendre kind of thing you have going on.

But this sounds so much like me, especially the whole exam's like nothing works. If you eat, you feel so damn guilty, and then you can't get it back up! And if you don't eat, well we know that it's not a pretty sight when you go in to give an exam with an empty head because you couldn't remember a damn thing while studying.

Ah. You definitely have a way with words. There are SO many stories on the subject out there, but I've never seen anyone capture the emotions behind it quite like this. It's amazing, this story. I really hope you continue it soon soon soon!
Nothing In Blood chapter 17 . 7/13/2008
i love the set up of this chapter
Nothing In Blood chapter 14 . 7/13/2008
stress during exams is also bad with cutters. in my freshmen year in highschool, eams were impossible because when i got stressed, i cut. when i cut, i got stress and i chouldn't study. it was a never ending cycle of stress.
Nothing In Blood chapter 9 . 7/13/2008
this poem is my favorite so far. i kinda understand how it feels. i have a slight eating disorder (i like to eat wierd things like candles and paper) and i have gone through spells of fasting, and that was how it felt.
KatieTheWriter chapter 17 . 7/2/2008
:( Sad. Update soon please.

Raye12307 chapter 17 . 7/1/2008
I know exactly where you're coming from. Except, I've never seen anyone capture it so perfectly.

The pride, the self-hatred, the hip-bones, the BMI fixation, I've been there. Now that school's over and nobody's watching me eat, I've been slipping back into it, and have never felt more beautiful then when I'm starving to the point of dizziness and can see my ribs, hip-bones, and bony, scarred wrists. I've never felt more powerful and in control than when I passed out from hunger and got a scar on my chin that will never go away.

But the thing is, I can't write about it like you can, even in my own journal. I write about the outside, fluffy stuff that goes on, and only occasionally allude to the crazy shit inside my head. You have a gift. Please keep writing, there are so many of us who need you.
fairytale failure chapter 17 . 6/30/2008
LOVE the format in this chapter. The double meaning gives it so much feeling, and I especially liked the ending.
Twilight Starr chapter 17 . 6/29/2008
Love the formatting. Great addition. Keep up the good work!

Have a marvelous day.

~Twilight Starr~
Twilight Starr chapter 16 . 6/24/2008
Great addition. Have a fantastic day.

~Twilight Starr~
Twilight Starr chapter 14 . 6/23/2008
Ah, exam stress. I really don't get stressed out about tests, but tons of people have test anxiety. They can relate to this. Nice work.

~Twilight Starr~
Twilight Starr chapter 13 . 6/23/2008
I would hate to be this girl. Nice work.

~Twilight Starr~
Twilight Starr chapter 12 . 6/23/2008
Good job on telling a story.

~Twilight Starr~
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