Reviews for Blood Bound
tripoli chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
The premise of this story is SO similar to Robin McKinley's Sunshine, have you read it? It's remarkably identical to it: the main character as a baker, the distrust of vampires, the small-town setting, the Otherworld Justice Division-if you haven't read it you should check it out!
Jessica chapter 8 . 2/21/2009
The whole story is amazing. I enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you for not having them go at it like hormonal teenagers from the very beginning. Many people on this site lack the ability to develop anything prior to physical relationships and your writing is a very fortunate exception.

The writing and humor are brilliant as well. You describe things enough to make it seem real without going into overflowing details about every aspect of a scene. Overall, great job and I can't wait to read more of your work!
SilentNightingale chapter 8 . 2/16/2009
Wonderful story!
SilentNightingale chapter 4 . 2/16/2009
Great story so far!
Illumined chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
only read the first chapter so far..

and i gotta say, ur story reminds me of Sunshine by Robin Mckinley (which happens to be one of my fav. books)

I'm not refering to the plot (it wouldn't be fair to comment on that having read chapter 1 only), but the universe..

However, I doubt the story heads in the same direction as the novel. Really look forward to finishing this.
MonkeyEyes chapter 2 . 12/21/2008
Hm...I may be imagining these vamps as uglier than they are lol. Huh, grey eyes doesn't seem too bad though...guess I'll find out in a moment.
MonkeyEyes chapter 1 . 12/21/2008
I LOVE the prelude to this story! Your writing style has me captivated and I can't wait to see what happens in the next, since this story is def complete it will only take a second or two :p
amber lynn chapter 9 . 12/14/2008
great story! ... is the going to be a book 2?
Inea Sako chapter 9 . 12/14/2008
Sounds Interesting. I can't wait for the next one. :D
missanimelvr chapter 9 . 12/8/2008
i can't wait to read the rest! sounds terribly exciting so far
DELETED ACCOUNT 10212019 chapter 8 . 12/6/2008
You've read Sunshine by Robin McKinley. You must have. There's really no other explanation for the many similarities between this story and hers.

In any case, though, take that as a compliment- Sunshine is one of my favorite books. And I must say, I love Greyson, I love how short and sweet this story was- while still being entertaining and meaningful. Very nice job- I can't imagine why you have so few reviews... Great job, and I look forward to reading the sequel!
boltfromtheblue101 chapter 8 . 11/30/2008
I LOVED this. Your writing style is elegant in a quaint and quiet sort of way. I loved the cute little exchanges between Greyson and Daphne. I was deeply disappointed when I got to the end only because I was so, so sad it was over! Then I got all excited again for the sequel. Can't wait to read it!
dreamercrys chapter 9 . 11/30/2008
Woohoo! I loved your story! It was great...can't wait to read the sequel...
Nessa Veneanar chapter 1 . 11/28/2008
I just finished the first chapter, and I have to say I'm pretty excited to find this story. You have a flowing, sort of effortless elegance in your writing, and the plot itself looks promising. I also love the fact that you didn't spend half a page introducing Daphne's appearance (like *so many people do*).

I think my favorite line was "Werewolves were only tolerated the other twenty nine days of the month." Those kind of little quirky elements make a lot of difference in the story. :)

I'm sure you're sick of hearing the comparisons to "Sunshine", but I saw echoes of it as well. However, right now I don't see it as being a rip-off, since the only similarities are Daphne's profession and her magic background (which I think could easily be a coincidence). I don't see the personalities being very similar either.

I'm going to go continue reading, then I'll leave another review. Again, it looks really good so far. :)
lupin likes tacks chapter 1 . 10/27/2008
so far, this story reminds me of Sunshine by Robin McKinley. there are some pretty startling similarities.
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