Reviews for Note To Self: Learn Social Skills
shy green rock chapter 1 . 5/27/2008
Well so far I like the story. honestly there were some mistakes with the tenses, but oh well.
burningbridgesbabyy chapter 1 . 5/27/2008
I really like how this is going.

Like how the rich dude doesn't even notice Katie, and she doesn't have a crush on him or anything(considering she's pinning for James...who has a creepy brother btw)

can't wait for the next chapter!
overkooled chapter 1 . 5/27/2008
I am enjoying this! I also use first person narrative in present tense. I find it so refreshing. And I found your story just as refreshing. Hal is indeed an asshole, and Katharine is a dear, I adore her, and I will be cheering for her!

..Chad reminded me of my old lab partner, except he didn't make fun of me for being a complete idiot in the sciences, he just laughed really, really weirdly whenever I screwed something up.

Oh, I can't wait for your second chapter! And yay! I am first reviewer!
Julie chapter 1 . 5/27/2008
Ah finally... something more for me to review... my life is now complete! :) I really am enjoying it, and definitely interested to see where it is going. I like the first person POV and knowing what she is thinking and all that jazz... it makes it really interesting to me. I hate Chad a little bit, but everyone else I am not too sure about yet. I honestly think that Hal has potential underneath his cocky exterior, but I could be very wrong about that (not that I am ever wrong). ;) So in all honesty, I think that this is the beginning of a very good story, and I will definitely always blame school! Have a wonderful day, and sorry the review was so short.
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