Reviews for Tulips After Easter And Various Expiration Dates
Aquafied chapter 1 . 6/8/2008
this has so many words, my head is kind of throbbing trying to wrap around it

such thick descriptions
Scarlett Wynter chapter 1 . 6/4/2008
yeah, um don't know why fp won't let me officiallyl sign in, but whatever.

I like this poem a lot. the first 2 stanzas are really great, the third seems a bit disconnected, but it's probably just because the initial line, "yesterday at the grocery store" has too many harsh syllables or something as compared to the easy flow of the previous stanzas. But I like the third stanza too. hope this review makes sense.

-Scarlett Wynter
Ashelin chapter 1 . 6/4/2008
Wow. I don't know, I'm sort of half in this state of "that was amazing" and half in this "I'm rather apathetic to it all". It could just be my mood. Maybe if I'd read this while listening to Regina Spektor something would have clicked in a better direction. Maybe if I weren't so selfish and more poetic. Not that I dislike it, I actually quite like it a lot, no lie. I just don't know what to say. You did a wonderful job. Don't get stuck on this bad review, this really was a very good poem.