Reviews for Heart Lotion SPF 20
raven-woodbane chapter 26 . 3/31
Coming back to this story after thirteen years of first finding this story …. Idk what made me search for it but I needed to come back and it was just as awesome as I remember

Hopefully one day we’ll get to see the finished four chapters

Thanks for the awesomeness
Ara chapter 1 . 10/23/2023
I was 15 when I read this for the first time. I'm 25 now and still dying to see the ending. This story is iconic and I still think about it quite often. Everything about it from the characters to your writing style, are so beloved and were essential to my personal development as a writer. Still clinging on to a hope we'll one day get the ending 3
Ami chapter 17 . 10/27/2021
I came upon this story so long ago, when I was still a teenager. I’m revisiting Heart Lotion now and I feel like I appreciate this story more fully and better than before. Thank you for all your work and care; I love that I’m able to experience things just as brightly and sincerely. I loved feeling giddy and excited throughout my rediscovery. Better yet, I understand the sorrow now, too. I feel that you set up this story wonderfully and I have so much optimism for Honey—this much was guaranteed based on how badass she was in your last chapter. Thank you again—for all this joy.
evie55 chapter 26 . 6/3/2020
Such a metal line to end on. I still have this story in my subscriptions after all these years, hoping for an update. I never come on this site anymore but it's been so long since I read my saved stories I had forgotten them almost and wanted to take another look. I'm much older now and rereading the first few chapters was odd, as it seemed so immature. But as the chapters went on, the characterisation, the style, all improved dramatically. I scrolled up a couple of chapters ago just to see the timeline and I see that it was written over quite a few years. You're a great writer. I hope one day you can finish this.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Binged this story and stayed up all night - only to have my heart wrenched out when you ended on possibly the most suspenseful possible note! And I mean that in the best way, because of this intoxicating story you have created. BUT as everyone else recently has said, please update! I will beg!
RedXButterflyXBlooming chapter 26 . 8/7/2018
Please continue! This story is so good & and this last chapter is intense! What's going to happen next?!
Guest chapter 26 . 5/29/2018
Iloveurwriting chapter 26 . 7/9/2017
Ok so this story is beautiful and I've been binging it till 1:30 but I am lost af. Why did he keep it a secret and how was he a prisoner? Also was the girl in the vision Lou?
Maya chapter 26 . 12/24/2016
Rereading this again after 3 years and it was such a joy to do. I noticed things I didn't before and even understood and felt things differently from 3 years ago so it felt like I was reading it for the first time. Gabe is such a mysterious character that I can't hate or love him (yet!). I do wish there was more character development for him (and Stefan) because I want to understand why he's doing what he is doing. I've been able to grow to love Teddy, Jesse, and Adam because of their interactions with Honey and I want to be able to understand his character as well. The boys have been with each other for so long that he must have good intentions, right? It's sad HL hasn't been updated in 3 years, but life does get in the way a lot of the time and it's understandable that HL isn't the #1 priority! One day I hope yo read the story to completion here, or even better, in it's complete published book form. :)
Appleidover chapter 26 . 11/9/2016
Hi. It been literally forever since you updated, but I just wanted to say that I hope you plan on finishing this story, because it's amazing. I finished reading it in one day, and now I'm waiting on the edge, dying to know what happens next. Will Honey die? Will Adam? I NEED TO KNOW.
Guest chapter 26 . 10/18/2016
Holy Circe! You got to update this! I am dying here! You hear? Dying of curiosity!
Emoddess chapter 26 . 8/31/2016
I started reading this story yesterday and I love it. It definitely got me on a roller coaster of emotions like sadness, happiness, excitement and especially when Eve cried on Jesse's shoulder and she was so guilty, that was pretty heartbreaking. I think I was sniffling non-stop on that part because you could practically feel the pain, burden and sorrow that Eve had to carry because she had to hurt not only Jesse was torn but also Adam, Gabe, Teddy and Stefan. I also love how you shaped the characters and concept and I gotta say, I thought the story was completed but then I noticed that you mentioned in the A/N that it only has four more chapters to go. It also makes me pretty anxious because the story is unpredictable that I can't anticipate what might happen. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next update and reading this till the end~ _
Keep up the great work! :D
Guest chapter 26 . 5/25/2016
Please please update! I love this story so much and it's killing me that it's not completed!
riahbear0623 chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
I just want to say, im not even past the introductions, and yet, I find myself undeniably, and completely enraptured by the fluidity of your words. Please, PLEASE, for the sake of modern literature, write a full length novel and pick a publisher! Not only would you get rich but its would be a true gift to any and all avid readers.
EmeraldLily chapter 26 . 4/29/2016
Your writing is so beautiful and poetic, but then you get tons of humor mixed in with the seriousness too. You have a perfect balance, and I really hope that you can update soon, even if you haven't posted anything in a while. :) I can't remember how long I've been following your works, even if I've never commented. But I suddenly got inspired to re-read this, so I wanted to send some nice thoughts your way. :)
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