Reviews for To My Unborn Child
The Once Great Moon chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Oh wow. Reading this... this made me cry so much. The emotion this mother feels is conveyed so well throughout this piece and just sucks the reader in. Wow. Just wow.
I-Know-Everything chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
That was, that was...deep. It was just deep. Compassionate, intense, those are adjectives to describe your story. Mind blowing...
Brown-Eyed-Girl247 chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
.God. I loved it! It was so sweet and sad :( I almost cried :( it's just so sweet!
Shawn Da Pro chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
this is deep talley. it really makes u think. good job ;-)
Xein of Nethling chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
Wow. That was amazingly written and very beautiful. As all of your other reviewers mentioned, you captured perfectly the love and anguish of a mother in her calm manner, really bringing out the emotions. Powerful piece, very well done.

Happy Writings!

mtp2014 chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
Awe. This is sad. I really think the idea is great and you dont have any grammar errors. I really like this.

read/review my story?
Jessje chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
Well, you have me crying. What a wonderful story. Having 2 very difficult pregnancies myself and one delivery where they weren't sure I would make it this story is extremely emotional for me.
The Hippie Nerd chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
This is definitely different than a lot of other things I've read on this site. I love the idea behind it and how real you make it feel. There's such a strong emotion to it, from the informal nature of the letter to how well the writer communicates to a baby not even born yet as though there's a real close bond there. A very creative and engaging piece, I really enjoyed it.
locoe chapter 1 . 5/11/2009
aw. that's sad!
The-Golden-Hour chapter 1 . 4/10/2009
this is poetry... o.O chapter 1 . 1/27/2009
Oh my gosh! That is so sad and yet so sweet and loving! This made me cry! Wondeful job at portraing the mothers feelings towards her unborn baby.
Lilacs.on.a.fence chapter 1 . 1/27/2009
I liked, it, I think you did a good job.

It was rather deep, but stll sounded like a mum talking to her baby.

It was sad, but in a bittersweet way.

Well done.
ProChoice Is Good chapter 1 . 10/6/2008
hmm. good
Katie Nicole chapter 1 . 8/19/2008

This is extremely deep and much different than I expected from the summary... I wouldn't have guessed that the pregnant mother had a death sentence as she was writing it.

It's really amazing that at 16 you're capable of writing something like this. While I'm guessing this isn't really happening to you... I really hope not... you do an excellent job of capturing the emotions that are expected of the situation. You're very descriptive and the poem is beautifully loving and sweet, as well as sad, and it leaves the reader with high hopes for both the mother and the baby.

Great job (:

Azura Aozora chapter 1 . 7/14/2008
Hi! I've been away from the site for awhile dealing with

some personal issues, so I haven't been reviewing lately.

Wow, it's unusual see prose from you (a good kind of unusual, LOL). As you know, writing prose is such a different experience from writing poetry.

This piece was so full of emotion and love. It's hard to describe what reading this made me feel. It's sad, beautiful, and full of hope at the same time. It's heart-wrenching...I almost got a little teary-eyed.

Such a beautiful piece...I am almost at a loss for words...almost.

I like your use of language here; it all seems like words a real person would say. Many people, when writing things like this, make the language too flowery somehow...You say what needs to be said, no extra embellishment needed. This makes it seem very real, very relatable. The emotions are expressed beautifully and simply.

Oh, and I did spot two typos. You wrote "loosing" intead of losing (in the second paragraph), and "there" instead of "their" (in the last paragraph). I'm studying office administration, so I've had to search for a lot of typos in a lot of different things, so I tend to notice them a lot xD...It's a bit of a habit to correct them, heheh.

Sorry, I know you want constructive criticism, but I don't really have any criticism for this piece :D (the aforementioned typos aside).
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