Reviews for Forbidden Touch
Liley chapter 14 . 8/16/2011
I love this story it's very good and interesting.

Bu really Alex is so... cruel. One moment he treats her like a dog, then later he treats her like he is in-love.

But then i enjoy how this story goes !
deshaunwalker chapter 14 . 8/15/2011
Great chapter! Glad to see an update
Rio's Desire chapter 14 . 8/10/2011
Alex is such a douchebag! I hope he dies, so poor hungry maggots can have his delicious corpse to eat. I don't see why Eva would like him at all, even if he was hot! I hope someone else comes along who is better than him and rescues her. I hope he gets what he deserves...which is humiliation and then death.
thedarkone19 chapter 14 . 8/9/2011
This is a really well written chapter. I loved it although there are many places within the chapter is incorrect grammar and misspelled words. I always wondered why he had such a infatuation with Eva. Although within the last chapter really explained a lot.

He really does like her but he humiliates her so much. Its a little sad that one would do that to a girl but i enjoy reading your chapters. Keep up the good work and i'm looking forward to the next chapter.
A Shattered Sky chapter 14 . 8/8/2011
I'm really looking forward on seeing where this is going.
cat10985 chapter 14 . 8/8/2011
So i am confused on how old Alex and Eva are? Maybe you can clear that up. Thanks!
Smartgirl94 chapter 14 . 8/7/2011
Interesting chapter. Please update soon :D
Joly86 chapter 14 . 8/7/2011
Oh my God! That was so AWESOME!

Update soon!
thelonelycamel chapter 14 . 8/6/2011
you know, i used to love this story and be okay with some of alex's behavior but when he made her kiss the ground and his feet...too much. wayy too much for me to bounce back from to him being nice to her!
Kcoarra chapter 14 . 8/6/2011
Uhhh Alex's moods change so quickly. One minute he is sweet the next he is mean. I love the story it is really good! Not sure what to think of Alex at the moment, but I like the relationship that is forming between him and Eva. He is not as heartless as I use to think he was
N-butterfly chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
Wow, this is awesome! What I love the most about it is the "Little Princess"-ish feel I get from it (Don't know if you read the book or saw the movie 'Sara,' but it's basically this plot except in a girls' boarding school). I also love how you introduced the characters, setting, and plot so quickly and fluently so it wasn't boring to read at all. Alex is pretty mean, but I can't wait to see how his character and Jena/Eva's character develop and mingle in the future. Great first chapter! :D
MaxMcDowell chapter 14 . 8/6/2011

A-hem, sorry about that but I was so happy to see a new chapter from you.~Hands you two platers, one of brownies and one of big cookies for you and your muse~

I guess I can forgive Alex a little now that I know why he treats Eva the way he does and the fact that he saved her and her mother too.

I can't wait untill you write and post an other chapter.

Are you going to update Fantasy Freedom soon too?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Teeiinneell chapter 14 . 8/6/2011
Are your updates going to come faster now? Because I really like this story and I'd love to see more of Alex's point of view.
prplmum chapter 13 . 8/1/2011
Hi I have enjoyed reading this story just wondering if you will be updating anytime soon?.
Smartgirl94 chapter 13 . 7/18/2011
this is really good stroy. Please update soon :D
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