Reviews for Love Me Dead
bridgettblah chapter 10 . 7/9/2010
xD Like like like it! More more more! lol
HotFudgeSundae chapter 9 . 10/13/2008
I probably would find that funny too.. Whos car was it anyways?
blurrylights chapter 9 . 10/13/2008
Wow...this chapter was interesting. I'm curious to see where it goes. Update soon! :)
FerretsRevolution chapter 8 . 9/22/2008
okay...after 8 chapters, im still abit confused...(okay, i lied, im completely lost) but the story captivates me, som im gunna keep reading and see what u do with it...
HotFudgeSundae chapter 8 . 9/22/2008
I really like this story! Continue soon! Please!
blurrylights chapter 8 . 9/22/2008
Oh...i can't wait to see what happens at the party. And poor Sloan. Anyway, great chapter! Update soon!:)
blurrylights chapter 7 . 8/23/2008
When I read Macon and Wes, I instantly knew it was from Sarah Dessen's books. She's so good, isn't she? She is my absolute favorite.

Why is Sloan being nice? That's weird.

What happened with Mai? I'm curious, so...

UPDATE SOON! please! :)
Outsider Looking In chapter 7 . 8/17/2008
I knew that those were the books that Macon and Wes were from. Great job on the chapter. UPDATE SOON!
Counting Petals chapter 1 . 8/16/2008
Review Marathon! (If you're confused, there's a link on my profile.)

I like the situation you had Mai in. It was definitely one of the more creative boy-meets-girl set-ups I've seen, even if you're not planning to work the romance angle. But why was Sloan lying about which twin he was?

I also like Mai, at least so far, because you've got me curious as to why she is the way she is.
blurrylights chapter 6 . 8/14/2008
The dark sides okay, i don't care about that. You should totally include Sloan and Noah's friends into the story- I LOVE THEM! Especially Lib and Kat. So yeah, keep them in the story. Why was Sloan in girls bathroom? That's weird...maybe he liked Mai? Anyway, update soon and keep up the great work!
Outsider Looking In chapter 6 . 8/13/2008
This is great. The songs you picked went amazingly well with the chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. UPDATE SOON!
blurrylights chapter 5 . 8/12/2008
This story is REALLY GOOD! You are doing an excellent job- I love it so far! I love Noah with all my heart, and Sloan's okay. Mai is awesome and Gwen...she's okay. Anyway, update soon causr I want to know what happens when they go clubbing!
RYTEREWQ chapter 3 . 6/26/2008
Your characters are really easy to relate to, which is something I really like in a story. I hope you write more soon. D
Avenasoblivion chapter 1 . 6/15/2008
I enjoyed that. I hope you update soon.