Reviews for The King
sneaky-fox chapter 28 . 9/25/2012
I just read the story for the 2nd time and enjoyed it as much as the first, maybe even more. It is really well written, story flows perfectly and I can't help falling in love with the characters (even Kayla and Ashley even though I would prefere to dislike them).
My only problem is Gavin having mistresses, I know it was normal it that era but it feels like cheating and I feel so bad for Ana, how can he love her but still send her away to another room so he can sleep with Ashley. I kept hoping that he would tell ashley it was over and that Ana would be in his bed permanently but he never did... stupid man!
PervEcToy chapter 13 . 10/29/2011
...incest? Ew. There are these villages in my country, namely Kampung Idiot, many villagers there are idiots (hundreds still alive). There are some medical analysis concerning why such phenomena exist. One of the analysis is that's because...incest.
The Imagination Addict chapter 18 . 10/25/2011
when they finally communicated and she found out the king didn't choose her specifically and he found out she was ignorant, i was like YES!

hmm. tracy and cameron. at first i was like EWWWW incest. i still think eww, actually. but i guess it wouldn't have been viewed that badly in the past? idk. i know people used to marry cousins, but... direct siblings? eh. character-wise, i feel sorry for tracy cos she's just obeying her twisted older brother. i mean, she wasn't even sure she had romantic love for him!
sweetneverinnocent chapter 29 . 7/25/2011
Finally! Hecks yesss!
mpookiew chapter 28 . 5/24/2010
I thought the story was very well written and I really enjoyed reading it! Wonderful job.
sweetneverinnocent chapter 27 . 4/18/2010
You HAVE to make a sequel! I want to know what happens to all of the kings misstresses? Whether cody? comes back? And if Ana gets tired of him cheating on her? I need to knoW!
Descoral chapter 28 . 3/22/2010
Wonderful story, I'm so glad she chose Gavin in the end .
Guest chapter 24 . 1/26/2010
I wish Ana would give Gavin a piece of her mind - he's being entirely hypocritical. He's allowed to keep mistresses and she's not allowed to correspond with her former love? The feminist side of me is angry at the injustice.
Allie S chapter 8 . 1/26/2010
Quick comment - you seemed to have mixed up a few of the titles. The King should is always "Your Majesty", as is the Queen, and not "highness". "Your Grace" is for dukes.
sweetneverinnocent chapter 28 . 11/6/2009
COME ON! u cant end a story like that! make a sequel PLEASE! i stayed awake past 4 reading this story n thats how u end it! No u have to do a sequel! Please
pollo chapter 28 . 7/15/2009
what kind of story is this. why the in the world is his mistress's living and sleeping with him while he has a wife, and all his little children running around. what is he supposed to be henry the 8th?

anna would have been better with zack at least he didnt have other girls. a man who says he loves someone does NOT cheat on them with his skanks.

and what is with the incest? thats wrong on so many levels.
tilly chapter 25 . 7/15/2009
ok, why is it ok for gavin to keep his mistress around who is pregnant? thats not ok.
Pulling Veins Of Nature chapter 28 . 5/5/2009
A happy ending... I love happy endings! ]
Icyfire4w5 chapter 1 . 4/10/2009
Hiya! I think that "Zach" sounds a tad too modern, yup, so please pardon me for saying so. Nontheless, this is an excellent chapter. I feel that those guards are really awful. Fortunately, Zach has tried his best to save Ana, proving that he is courageous, not cowardly.
JenniVu chapter 28 . 2/7/2009
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