Reviews for Rooftop
Isca chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
"Can you see me?" I liked how this line expressed our capacity to feel invisible at times.

"Nothing here but the wind." Beautiful imagery!
ilovetheopera chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
re: what the previous reviewer said, i actually loved how the feelings arfe all over the place.

it was the most outstanding part of the poem. i'm kinda inspired so this is my reply back to you:

up in the sky

the city lights are so small

you are here beside me

too real to be true

but still a complete stranger.

no one is laughing at you now.

yours is still better though, it's so raw. favourite, totally.
Ashelin chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
Very short, but it was good. I liked the feelings you were portraying, though they seemed a bit all over the place. Good job.