Reviews for i love you, i miss you, come home to me
Ernest Bloom chapter 1 . 10/24/2008
i doubted putting milk in coffee for someone who's still asleep.

mostly i liked this although i have to ask myself where is the little shininess that makes this stand out against others of its ilk? every story or poem or whatever needs its own special something. i don't find it here. i like it, but i didn't see that shine.
no.peace.los.angeles chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
Oh, this is beautiful. It's honest and it touches a person to read it. I love the part about the sandwich and coffee, and how it was a tuna sandwich for breakfast. Which sounds disgusting to me, honestly, especially since the tuna may have been expired. I think most of this worked perfectly, but there were a few times I said, "I don't know." The line I had the biggest issue with was, "Our collision was very long ago but somehow I am still reeling from the aftereffects." It just seemed a bit awkward to me. But, aside from that, the piece as a whole was gorgeous. Loved it. Keep writing! :)
PandaPanda chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
this piece gives off such a sweet and nostalgic feelings _