Reviews for The Night's StarCrossed Story
Alaeryel chapter 14 . 2/14/2013
Oh her mom finally decided to take the plunge huh? This is really getting interesting. I loved the kids' shopping spree-I really really like Reilly. I do NOT LIKE Jack at all! I want to see him fall on his a** and Cara to find a better guy!
Alaeryel chapter 13 . 2/14/2013
Alaeryel chapter 12 . 2/14/2013
Well-it is finally out in the open-she finally admitted she liked having him around! Now the fun should be starting and this dance thing is really going to be good!
Alaeryel chapter 11 . 2/14/2013
Oh I think I really really like Luke's sister-they are not normal werewolves according to what I have gathered-LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! It was interesting to find out why Luke is acting like he is and NOW my curiosity is piqued as to what will happen at the dance with Reilly going with Mel and Luke going with Ginger! PERFECTLY WRITTEN!
Alaeryel chapter 10 . 2/14/2013
I am too far in love with this story Cirya! I cannot decide who I like Melinda with more Reilly or Luke. I want to say Luke because it is a unique idea of were and vamp together BUT I love the connection that she and Reilly have too. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO CONFUSED!
Alaeryel chapter 5 . 2/13/2013
They are just having problems all over the place aren't they? LOVE IT! Melinda can't seem to win for losing at this point and I think her feelings are starting to really get to her.
Alaeryel chapter 4 . 2/13/2013
Sardis is quite an interesting and unique man/vampire and I REALLY am liking Luke alot. I think Melinda has herself quite confused and not knowing what to do or act. I also liked Reilly-I think Melinda could use more sincere friends in her life.
Alaeryel chapter 3 . 2/13/2013
Well this was a bit of surprise. Sardis knows something he isn't telling and I was not expecting Luke to be an 'Alpha' persona but great twist. Melinda may be a little leary of Luke but I also think she is maybe just alittle bit fascinated by him and questions herself about it.
Alaeryel chapter 2 . 2/13/2013
Very INTERESTING story here Cirya-yet again. I have really ENJOYED the first two chapters thus far and definitely looking for more. I have an idea where this will be going but I cannot imagine all the twists and turns you will have probably put into this.
halo48423 chapter 24 . 2/4/2013
What was the significants of Mel dreams? Why did she keep having them?
halo48423 chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
This was a really great story I fell in love with the characters from the start. You should totally make a little companion story of Mel and luke when they'er older.
Shadow Ravon chapter 24 . 12/30/2012
Awww yeah that was such a good story. Great job.:)
Binkybaby chapter 24 . 12/25/2012
I loved this
Crunchie chapter 24 . 4/11/2012
As u mentioned back in one of the chapters, I will rant on. About how good this book is. LUVED IT. great ending. I am usually into werewolf stories only, Twilight kind of pushed me away from Vamps, but I am back in business because of how awesome this book was :D I am adding this story to my favourites :D

:F - Vampire smiley face
Raymond Lamar Gilstrap chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
This is just great! Really good beginning! And complete too. Man, I have some catching up to do!
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