Reviews for The Night's StarCrossed Story
alice XD chapter 24 . 2/6/2010
OMG i LOVE this i think i'm a little late but you should so do a squel or how ever you spell it.
hannaxD chapter 24 . 1/28/2010
ooh, wow!

I absolutely loved your story! x)

thought, I have some critic about the vampire's supernatural powers o.o''

like, they could go to the sun... Oh well, I thought this story WAY BETTER than Twilight, really! *shudders thinking about the invincible sparkly things S.M calls vampires* (sorry if you like TL series and I smashed your buggy... .
JustAnotherLibroLover chapter 24 . 12/6/2009
Chocorange888 chapter 24 . 11/18/2009
This story was so amazing! When I first 'picked' it up, I really didn't have high hopes for it, but it just sucked me in completely after the first chapter. Thank you so much, and I honestly think that it's complete injustice the lack of review it has. Well done and I look forward to reading your other works.
BlackTreaderWolf chapter 1 . 9/21/2009
psycho angel chapter 24 . 8/19/2009
This story was mega super-duper awesome!

they are getting married!

I'm so happy!
psycho angel chapter 17 . 8/19/2009
Oh goody! This is good. It doesn't seem so impossible anymore. Yay!
psycho angel chapter 16 . 8/19/2009

Just after they kissed!

You made me sad...:(
psycho angel chapter 15 . 8/19/2009
oh that was so swet!
psycho angel chapter 11 . 8/19/2009
I really like this Cynthia character.

Well off to read more!
psycho angel chapter 10 . 8/19/2009
oh pleaz she HAS to end up with Luke!
Magnetic Maleficence chapter 24 . 8/14/2009
I just read this whole thing, I spent around 10 consecutive hours reading this, and it was freaking amazing. I loved it, it had such a great romance and interesting plot. I loved all the characters! I wish it never ended!
Night's-Freedom chapter 24 . 8/11/2009

I read ur story- obviously :P- an it is absolutly WICKED! By far one of the best I have read, it has absolutly EVERYTHING :D Gotta love them werewolves :P Seriously, it's so awesome it's definatly publishable, at least in my opinion :)

Well anyway, I hope u have a gd week!

Thanks for wrtiting the story, I'm gonna check out ur others now :)


x x x
luvtiffbaby chapter 22 . 7/30/2009
no...but i can sing it )

barbeque stain on my white t-shirt, she was killing me in that mini skirt, skipping rocks on the river by the railroad tracks, she had a suntan line and red lip stick, i worked so hard for that first kiss and a man dont forget something like that.

if thats wrong im sorry, but its something along those lines.

by the lyrics i assume its called 'something like that' but i could be terribly far off ?
luvtiffbaby chapter 18 . 7/30/2009
a lime green lamborghini murcielago. for sure.
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