Reviews for Drastic Propositions Lead to Lasting Repercussions
TishDaFish chapter 3 . 8/27/2008

Now I'm on edge, cliffie or what? P

Can't wait for the next chapter hun, keep up the good work
neo-chan chapter 3 . 8/23/2008
Wonderful as usual. Continue soon.
Jayn chapter 3 . 8/21/2008
And Tyler is back! Poor Aaron... but hopefully he'll find someone who can love him back. Please update!
RexyB chapter 3 . 8/21/2008
wow. this cstory is really good, i don't usually read slashes but maybe i'll read more

update soon
fox999 chapter 3 . 8/18/2008
NO! How can you just leave it there! I obsessedly await you next update!
RaVeN-naILs chapter 3 . 8/16/2008
yay for drama! personally i don't like aaron at all. he too passive. i don't really like any of alex's new updated soon!

Midnights Scream chapter 3 . 8/16/2008
Ah! I hate when you do that. Let us know that Tyler's there and then BAM! the end of the chapter. *sniffle* such a . great job and hope to read more soon!
Gummy Kitten chapter 2 . 8/16/2008
Ommg... Imma go kill myself. You know what I did? I made that good 'ol review that I know you just loved SO much but I forgot to add the story to my alerts. I know, wtf is wrong with me, right? I'm so going to hell now.

Anyway... So now that I realized I had been too stupid to add it. I am back to read these two lovely chapters and review again like I said I would. Only it'll probably be just as insane as it happens to be 8 AM and I have once again, been up all night :D.


Hokay. Alex is starting to piss me off. I mean come on, he was supposed to see Tyler and then go prancing through the flowers toward him with his arms wide open, tackle-hug him and make sweet love in the middle of the field-thing . I mean, what the hell?

No but seriously. He is pissing me off.. he's going all crazy and what not, I mean come on, he KNOWS what really happened at that party, he KNOWS it's all Chris's fault and that Chris is going to burn in hell. He KNOWS Tyler is innocent. But he's still playing it like he's the victim. What a buttface.

Still, I gotta love him. Poor little confused boy. I'm starting to feel sorry for Aaron... because Alex is just being SUCH an asshole to him by just being... himself. And leading him on... yeah.

Anyway, I'm like bouncing up and down for some Tyler action. I miss him so much, there must be some Tyler action in the next chapter. MUST.

If not, that's okay too, I'll just come rape you.
00000000000000000000000000000 chapter 3 . 8/14/2008

love ya! _

thanks for the chappie!
Neon.Couture chapter 3 . 8/14/2008
Miss.Me So HAHA chapter 3 . 8/13/2008
I loved it. :D
givelifeyurall chapter 3 . 8/13/2008

i'm so happy you finally updated :)

how sad for alex, he doesn't even realize

how much tyler did love him :(

but they can start over,

i can't wait for the next chapter!
hazza1508 chapter 3 . 8/13/2008
YAY YAY YAY another chapter and another one in a timely manner would be wonderful dont leave me hanging must have fix or will go into own panic attacks lol
Brilliant Demise chapter 3 . 8/13/2008
narcissistic chapter 3 . 8/13/2008
it's not shitty! it's MAGICAL!
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