Reviews for Bleeding Love
heal me forever chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
it was sad why does d last line mean she died?
mia aurora chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
so sad :( it'll be more nice if u write more but good job eventhough it is so short,it mean so much :)
truebleu chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
I don't know what the link is.

Can you send it to me?

wistful-ambtions chapter 1 . 3/22/2009
Wow... that was just so... depressing. It was good but dang I don't get why he was so cruel to her. Maybe I have to see the video or something (the link didn't work) but I still don't get how some one could be so cold!
Serafina Claremond chapter 1 . 1/1/2009
That was a powerful story but the link didn't work. So, even though, I didn't watch the video, it was extremely wonderful and no where near stupid.
Green Eyed Angel chapter 1 . 11/1/2008
This so so short, yet so meanigful. I'd give you a medal for writing a very short few paragraphs that are so deep and mean so much. Though the link thing doesn't work, this piece of work is fantastic!

Great, now I feel like I'm a teacher. Oh well.
Hopelessly Cliche chapter 1 . 7/2/2008
Aw, I loved this! It was soo sad! Oh and I so understand it more, well not more, it just helped more with the video. I loved that dance! All you had to do was put a equals sign after the v...I guess not many people got that, but I guess I'm just extra thinkful...or I just watched alot of youtube stuff, whatever. lol. Great story, the pain was real! Loved it! :D

Polka Panda Rockstar chapter 1 . 7/1/2008
I read this because I love this song.

The link won't work in stories. Try setting it as your homepage link in your profile, and leave a note in the story to let readers know about the homepage/video thing in your pro.

Anywho, very dramatic. Makes me want to watch the video. Soon.

Good job for a first-timer!
madebeautiful chapter 1 . 7/1/2008
That was pointless. Not bad, just pointless. Probably because I didn't watch the video because the link didn't work. Maybe you should fix that.

Overall the writing was pretty good, a bit too dramatic though.

Keep writing!
