Reviews for Royally Screwed
XxSiennaxX chapter 3 . 5/21/2009
Oh my goodness- I absolutely love your story.

Are you ever planning on updating? I'd really love to read more :)

angelblissjoy chapter 3 . 12/12/2008

great story

i would like to read more

happy holidays

take care
sooner or later its over chapter 3 . 9/23/2008
i have read everything up to this chapter and...I LOVE IT!

stupid Kate. i hate traitors.
Jevanminx chapter 3 . 9/23/2008
God, how dare Kate, how dare she, and that was a very low blow indeed.

Blo0d StaiNed Rose chapter 3 . 9/23/2008
i am in serious need of an update...u got me obsessed i cant wait for more...please please please update...:)
poo chapter 3 . 9/23/2008

i swear i have read this story before

but it was her and damon and lake running and she got caught by the dude instead at the park :S
Regin chapter 3 . 9/22/2008
Like, I lust, I Love!Please Update Soon!
pinkeclipse chapter 3 . 9/22/2008
so she thinks she is going to be let into the popular group just by being with him...she is going to get hers! karma!
pinkeclipse chapter 1 . 9/17/2008
please continue writing! i like the story!
pinkeclipse chapter 2 . 9/17/2008
is her friend just a fling for him?
Jevanminx chapter 2 . 9/16/2008
Oh, she has the same name as me and spelt the same, makes me happy. Kathryn, tis a good name, hehehe. I'm liking Joe already, he seems really cool.

Blo0d StaiNed Rose chapter 2 . 9/16/2008
cant wait for more...]

update soon...pls...]
springfiry chapter 2 . 9/16/2008
Oh my god , what a big cliffhanger. Hurry and update , dying of curiousity!
Jenni-PHO chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
ZOMG great first chapter cant wait for the next D
Manga Girl Lover chapter 1 . 7/5/2008
o nice new start to this story! I already liked it before, but I like this version a lot too :)
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