Reviews for The Stepway: Version One
BreadyCheese chapter 32 . 1/15/2017
Hey, loved it
Keep writing...
Yous truly, reader
BreadyCheese chapter 23 . 1/15/2017
I take that back about the uniquess, there was a typo in chapter 22' "I thought you was going to us out of this", missing the "get"
I like the way you write, it's pretty damn cool
Keep up the awesome work
- Me
BreadyCheese chapter 22 . 1/15/2017
Awesome author, cool story, but could use a touch more uniqueness?
Keep up the amazing work though!
- Reader
Kamryn Schiller chapter 32 . 10/25/2014
okay wow so many alarm bells right there I just keep hearing "rape-y rape-y rape-y" over and over in my head.
Still, Tayu didn't swoon or anything, and made it very clear that she does not approve of that behavior, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Kamryn chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
Seriously, so impressed by the way you're handling her introduction to the spirit world, so that she isn't swooning into anyone's arms or being weirdly "no, screw all of you, I'm not getting married."
Instead, she is perfectly aware that she is in a land full of spirits and she is effing terrified, as she should be.
On that note, also impressed by how you're handling the swearing. Instead of using fake swear words like "Freaking" and "Gosh Darn" you're just omitting them. I really hate the fake swearing. I do, I hate it. However, real swear words tend to sound weird in a fantasy setting, and, of course, you're probably pretty awkward with using them-thirteen, right? :)
Love your characters, too. I'll elaborate on that in maybe a later review.
Guest chapter 19 . 10/25/2014
I was pretty impressed by the quality of this story, and then I saw you were thirteen and I am so incredibly impressed! Wow!

I also remembered that I am fourteen and probably shouldn't be so impressed by that! Still, it's really great that you managed to finish a story-and an intriguing story at that!
deets1 chapter 41 . 4/20/2014
Asdfghjkl such a nice story!

I was not expecting anything that happened. Like wow. I really liked this story. I can't give you much good constructive crit because I couldn't really make anything better but eh. No matter. I loved it. Thanks for writing this.

CakeAndUnicorm chapter 14 . 2/27/2014
Damn, loved this chapter. Coincidently, while reading, haunting music was playing on TV. So yeah, it added to the epicness.
Guest chapter 32 . 5/21/2013
a simple 'hey, loved it, keep writing'... Joking aside your story is well written and enjoyable to read.
Wickedforlife chapter 33 . 1/19/2013
so sweet
Wickedforlife chapter 32 . 1/19/2013
of course I loved it, what else could I possible do?
Wickedforlife chapter 27 . 1/19/2013
lolol, best a/n ever
Wickedforlife chapter 24 . 1/19/2013
omg holy crap, what kind of dog is that?
Wickedforlife chapter 23 . 1/19/2013
yayayay flyiing monkeys! Elphie! They are so awesome, especially chisery. And his costume OMG.
Wickedforlife chapter 20 . 1/19/2013
You're so pale and strong? That's not even gushy, it's just weird
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