Reviews for Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl
Amber chapter 10 . 4/8/2013
wow! great read! captivating & intense! please write more! :)
hairspray cliche chapter 10 . 12/19/2010
oh my god. I really love this story. there are so many things I want to quote that remy says. i guess that is it. i hope you continue.
myrrine chapter 10 . 12/16/2010
I just couldn't help myself. I need to write another review. There is raw emotion to your writing that has me fixated on the story. Now usually with FP stories-or any other online collection of amateur writing- I feed off of suspense and killer sexual tension between characters to hold my attention on the story. Although your story contains a dash of romance, I find my greatest hope in the story is Remy finding herself and dealing with her brother's death. Now if she happens to click with a certain someone then great!

So I'll end with saying that you've created some great character development, all the while using great stylistic devices in writing. There was one sentence in the first or second chapter, I think, which occurred after Remy and Mom have a talk at the breakfast table. Remy goes up to her room to think on her brother through writing him a letter. You end with some thing along the lines of 'until Remy looked downed she didn't realize that she still had the cereal bowl in her hand' (sorry to downplay this sentence; believe me, you wrote with more prose). I just thought this sentence beatifully symbolized the way in which Remy was so lost in both her internal struggles and her awareness of the outside world. It's a perfect example about how you thankfully show and don't tell.

You mentioned somewhere on your profile that you wanted to get this published as a YA novel. I think you have a hell of a good shot.
myrrine chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
Wow, you really convey the emotion of Remy very well. I have a tendency to have a distanced observation of pain occurring in not-yet-developed characters, but even just meeting Remy in this first chapter, I sympathize and feel for her.
RedMae chapter 10 . 12/8/2010
I really love this story. Keep up the good work.
not atlas chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
i'm really bad at reviewing, but i really love this.

everything is so disgustingly real and your writing is gorgeous, and i'm stuck wanting it to end so that i can see what happens, and just letting it stay where it is because i'm afraid of whatever comes next.
jessie chapter 10 . 11/8/2010
love it soo addicting
CrimsonSilence chapter 10 . 9/19/2010
I really love your writing style a lot. Your characters are always so intense and real that you get sucked into this world where people mess up and don't know what to do with themselves but they're just living the best way they can think of. Remy is in this downward spiral but it seems to have slowed down a little bit when Dean appears. I like their dynamic.
alitalia chapter 9 . 9/7/2010
hey hey i really like this story! it's got a lot of personality and the characters are portrayed really well. also i love that all the chapter names are radiohead songs. big points for me :)
lunabella chapter 10 . 8/23/2010
I love this story. You are very talented :)
stranger with your doorkey chapter 10 . 8/13/2010
what can i say that you haven't already heard a thousand times? you're a mastermind and a wordsmith and i adore usual. :)

i don't know why it took me so long to start reading this, but of course, i sped through it in one seating. as always, your characters are deliciously well rounded and painted so real that i feel as if i'll bump into dean on the street. or, well, blake or van on the street. dean probably at the mall or the movies ;).

i haven't had anyone in my family die, but my dad did leave about two years ago, so i can relate to remy in a way; i know the void that one person can leave behind and the reactions to a family being split apart. it's so very real that it's heartbreaking and i wish that i could hug remy and tell her that there are other ways and that she'll make it through this.

but i'm pretty content with watching dean do it for me. :)

of course, i love dean. who doesn't? the first time i read the name i knew i would adore him. i love the way you describe him - like the time you said he tumbled from the tip of an inkpen, or the way his hair was sticking up when he came to rescue her from connor in his pajama pants. i love their stolen, never talked about kisses and the fact that he is trying to save her when he needs his own saving.

to make a long, rambling review a little shorter, i'll suffice to say that i can't wait to read more. :)

update soon,

Jada Writes chapter 10 . 8/4/2010
I think Dean is sorry for what Remy put herself through and sorry that there was no one to guide her and take proper care of her. Sorry that he wasn't there for her because they could have worked together to work through their struggles.

Looking forward to your next chapter,

HiHelloMisterBear chapter 10 . 8/4/2010
I love how real she is.

It actually kind of scares me on how real she is.

When I first started reading this I was going to stop because she seemed like a real person.

But I'm glad I didn't.
We Used To Wait chapter 10 . 8/1/2010
I love reading anything you write. Every sentence is filled with so much awesome and win, it's hard to find any useless line.

And this story is depressing. Just saying.

It kinda sucks you don't update more often, but I guess it takes time to come up with chapters this rad. Wink.

Update soon.

Jada Writes chapter 9 . 6/22/2010
Thank you for the update. I look forward to the next one!
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