Reviews for Help Wanted
Otakuami chapter 1 . 11/3/2020
The way the protagonist talked to himself really made. me laugh out loud. It's so witty, charming, sarcastic and stupidity all rolled into one. And the fact the he's okay dating a woman who has a kid, takes the cherry on the cake of this story.
WafflesandUnicorn chapter 1 . 9/26/2019
Despite the fact that this story is more than a decade old, and you'll quite possibly never even see this review, your scare tactics worked, so here I am writing this review.

I gotta be honest, it was super hard not cracking up at this at almost 4AM while other people in my house are sleeping. Mark was freaking hilarious. And ironically not all that nice, despite what he said. Or maybe he's just being an ass about the things that tick him off? Either way, I was very amused. Very nice job here. I hope you gave yourself a pat on the back for this. You definitely deserved it.
BlackHare9 chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
nice twist to the tale
DragonOwl chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
I liked the way you wrote from the guys perspective - I don't know if it's how a guy would actually think, but I liked it! I thought the part where he was talking about the music to escape to was amazingly funny :D I also thought the mix up was great and te little kid a nice touch
Jess chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
Really cute story :-) awesum attempt at a guy's pov...
squillink93 chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
i was quite surprised by this story - i wasn't expecting the humour :P i like it though :)
Shannyn chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
Hahhaha I have to be honest, your author's note is why I'm reviewing.

I also have to admit I skimmed this one. Props on going for male POV. I feel like I really shouldn't review until I thoroughly read it like the other one I read by you. But for what it's worth, I really like your characters haha. Just the quick pace between the two of them is a little difficult to believe (although, then again, I DID skim).

See? It's hard to say anything when you can't be sure. But I DO think Mark is easy to believe. I thought you did a good job with that :) And I do not think he's bad at ALL hahah the flirting seemed really cute and natural! Except for the clear eyes line haha.
Miss Haps chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
That was so... refreshing. I don't know about you, but whenever I read/watch something involving adults in New York, I always feel a little bit more grown up.

And I did feel grown up a bit... but I felt more like a COOL grown up. The kind that master smiling and live in condos 'cause they can...

Anyways, I really did enjoy this story. You did an awesome job with writing Mark. His character made me crack up :D You're humor is lovely.
Genato chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
the i'll-gut-you-if-you-don't-review got to me. :)) nice point-of-view, it really sounded male, but a bit female at the same time but that could be written off as a guy who has an older .. or even younger sister, which he has. :)

I like the 'roadkill to my highway', the FSIA (LOL!), clear as your eyes comment. :)). but btw, nathan doesn't sound like a name that would fit that description. :))
Ryhona chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
Just cuz you told me to! ;] I really enjoyed the male-POV. Actually, I find that it's easier for me to write in a male's perspective than a female's. It comes naturally to my fingertips, and that's just weird. My sister tells me that I was a guy in my past life...I half believe her...
SCopySCat91 chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
Wow. I like mark. He is witty and well written. And your guilt tactics woked :P
WishBlade chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
Aww man, the scare tactics worked-see, I was very tempted to favorite and then be lazy and not review, but being lazy is bad (sorry for stating the obvious.) Very bad. Mmhmm. Yep. Well, I have to say this was kind of hilarious, and I was laughing the whole time and when my sister passed by I was kind of hysterically laughing and she gave me this look. It's like she's finally realized I'm not normal. Anyway, I think the male point of view was fun to read, and pretty realistic too, not that I would know either. Mark's kind of awesome. Sorry for rambling, and thanks for posting! ]
i collect lullabies chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
Okay, I must admit your Author's Note at the end kind of scared me into not being a "Lurker" anymore, so here's my review.

I am in love. I am madly Cutesy Couple in love. I am so in love I'm willing to bear babies (okay, no I'm definitely not that in love).

Na, I just like Mark a lot. He's super cute. :) Yeah, I said super. Super super super.

This whole short story just makes me smile. It's a good thing to wake up at 9:30 in the morning and read something so sweet.

I'm also sorry for favoriting without reviewing, but it gets weird saying the same thing repeatedly to the same author "I love it!" Which I pretty much do-Love your writing, I mean. X

Shutting up now.
goldenspork chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
I like the line, "I'm a Yankees fan with bad shoes." Heh. I laughed at that one, as well as the "roadkill to my highway." Romantic much?

Nice job. It was funny and cute and everything a oneshot should be. :)
chasing givenchy chapter 1 . 2/2/2009
ROFL! I love this.

Mark's POV was fantastic, especially his paranoia about Law and Order SVU (I vote he should lay off TV for a while.) Of course, Hannah's hidden secret could be predicted a mile off, but I liked how you played the ending with her inviting him to her house to meet the boy. Mark fantasying kids and a family was priceless.

His interior monologue was hilarious; you kept the pace even, and sustained it really well throughout; Hannah's phone call was my favourite part.

I don't know why female writers always insist on writing from the female POV, but the "male mind" being uncharted territory is silly. I know I personally like switching POVs like nobody's business, but it's fun to write from a guy's POV, if only to break the monotony of reading the same kind of storytelling everywhere. Snarks are a plus, of course. xD

[Loved the multiple-pun title.]
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