Reviews for Fabricated Bliss
Russle chapter 7 . 9/17/2011
PLEEEEASSSE Update soon. I love this.
kookoos chapter 7 . 1/12/2011
why dose damon take pills you havent explained
Whitewolf Vamp chapter 7 . 11/22/2010
absolutely loved it and cant wait for the next chapter and its definetly going on my favorites :)
urbanfictionalist chapter 7 . 11/3/2009
I really like your story and it had me crying at some parts it was just so sad. im glad damon and lev are moving forwar with their relationship and i hope you update soon
dorome chapter 7 . 11/3/2009
Wow, this chapter was great. Not to much dialog i think - just right. And so much happend. I am glad Damon is in the picture now. And as mcuh as i would love to read about them having sex, you are right, it is better they don't have it yet.
dorome chapter 6 . 11/3/2009
Hey, i really like Damon and Lev. And Sam too, seems like she is a very good friend.
ShadowWolfDagger chapter 7 . 11/2/2009
*sniffles* You updated...I'm just so happy *sniff*

It was an AWESOME update and I can't wait for more, please update soon _

Love the song by the way, it fits perfectly ;]

CakeFairy chapter 7 . 11/2/2009
Honestly I completely forgot about this fic. But I am glad you updated it! I cant wait for the next chapter!
knits alot chapter 6 . 2/14/2009
I'm enjoying the story so far. It's a little frustrating to have it stop there.
ShadowWolfDagger chapter 6 . 2/13/2009
Awesome story can't wait to read more and see how it all plays out. Please update it soon _ Love the characters...Sam sort of reminds me of my 'sister' Sam.

ffxpassion chapter 6 . 1/17/2009
Well once again you've managed to give your readers something to look forward to, and definitely filled their lives with more than "crap and fail". Give yourself some credit, A LOT of credit, you deserve it! It makes my day when I get to read your awesome stories! keep it up!
x-princessa-temnoti-x chapter 6 . 1/15/2009
I now feel bad for not reviewing. Not very considerate of me, especially if I enjoyed this.

And I did. Your story is progressing nicely and I look forward to what comes next... Please update whenever possible. :)
The MacGregor chapter 6 . 1/14/2009
nicely advancing the story, but not nearly enough for those of us who want to know what happens next XD. you added a bit more depth to damon's character and i like that, but lev is more helpless it seems than before... is that damon's effect on him? anyway i like sam through and through XD

the delay was understandable and it is classic for writers to be behind schedule so take your time with writing, don't hurry and miss things that you thought to add the night before as you went to sleep XD (that's when i usually think of the most crucial details, so i've taught myself to write in the dark XD)
QueenCasey chapter 6 . 1/14/2009
Oh yay!

I had been wondering about this story. Glad to see you didn't abondon it! I like this chapter. I didn't even have to go bac and read the last one, which is a good thing.

Upate again. Maybe a little less waiting time.
The MacGregor chapter 5 . 12/11/2008
i like the story so far. it's cute and the characters are endearing, but i think you could do a bit more with damon's character... he seems a bit monotone at times to me, but only on close scrutiny. otherwise, awesome XD
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