Reviews for Summer Soundtrack
MusicGurl8129 chapter 29 . 2/28/2014
Good ending. But you should do an Epilogue. :)
MusicGurl8129 chapter 28 . 2/28/2014
Okay Roxanne is better in this Chapter.
MusicGurl8129 chapter 25 . 2/28/2014
Okay maybe Leah should've killed Roxanne. She is being so annoying.
MusicGurl8129 chapter 24 . 2/28/2014
Wow, so Roxanne is just going to leave Nate there with some Psycho's?! Okay, now I really hate her.
MusicGurl8129 chapter 21 . 2/27/2014
Ugh, I hate Darius. And why can't Roxanne just listen to Nate. She can be so stubborn and annoying some times.
MusicGurl8129 chapter 20 . 2/27/2014
I think it was cool to see this new side of Blaire, it showed a more Humane side of her.
Good Chapter. :)
Nick is so annoying.
MusicGurl8129 chapter 19 . 2/27/2014
Finally! Can't wait to see more of them! :)
MusicGurl8129 chapter 18 . 2/27/2014
Roxanne was kind of annoying this Chapter, I mean she knew Nate was drunk and didn't even bother to care as much as to help him out? Also Nick is annoying.
Amralume chapter 29 . 10/25/2013
A completely used up and unoriginal idea, exactly what I was looking for and exactly what I found, except I also found out how amazing and capturing even the most used ideas can be if the writer is talented, persistent and knows his or hers charaters and plot. You are magnificent, truly.

Thank you for this amazing piece of art.
108DegreesIsHawt chapter 29 . 4/25/2013
Oh my lord I love this story!
I can tell you like ATL! They're my fave band :) I actually saw them in concert. They were amazing. Lol !
jst me chapter 29 . 10/8/2011
Loved it I wish it had a different ending but it was good
andi chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
can you please finish your story?Please
charmedblush chapter 29 . 10/23/2010
oh my goodnes... i love this story so much...I've read it twice deserves to be showed to lots...
Xxluvbugger213xX chapter 29 . 8/27/2010
Best story evar.

i loved it, no lie

lol, i should totally be doing honors chemistry right now, but i had to finish reading this story first.

it's great, you should publish it or something (for zack merrick?)

keep writing ( :
Xxluvbugger213xX chapter 13 . 8/27/2010
Okay, well just so you know, so far, in my mind i see Nate as being Parker Gregory. (aggh!)
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