Reviews for Firefly
SometimesG chapter 4 . 12/4/2010
Its a pity that Shikimi never showed nor said the words he wanted to say to Maini. Well, it was his choice to choose his wife or wives and stay in his village.

I now realize that Maini and Shikimi had a child... its a pity that he never met his son.

Wouldn't it be awesome if they meet again with the son?
NinaBinaBallerina chapter 4 . 11/3/2010
I know that the ending was practical and it would have been harder feat to make such a couple work in the world you created, but I couldn't find it in myself to be satified with the ending. I dread unhappy endings, and this, to me, was just bitter potion. I want another sequel lol, where he can meet their son. It seems somehow incomplete. Though it is your world and you can do whatever you want with it. You are an amazing writer, and even though I detested the ending, I did enjoy the story.
missxsmile chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
i think you should've made another sequel, except to firefly explaining things. i'm kind of confused as to whether or not she really remarried or if the kid was shikimi's. i know it's like, 2 years after you've written this. but still
Vastania chapter 4 . 8/30/2010
Man! They could have been together! So sad though. I really loved the story.
immame chapter 4 . 3/24/2010

BAH. So frustrating. So you're just going to leave it like that? I know they're both happy and all now but still... if only Shikimi knew.

Then again, I don't even know why I'd want Miana to go back to that kind of abuse. In the name of love eh? D:
deceitful.dreams chapter 4 . 1/27/2010

kinda irritated

eh, it was enjoyable.
truthisnaked chapter 4 . 1/24/2010
oh my fuckness. i love your story. truly love it. but! why the fuck couldn't they be together? i mean, shikimi was SO CLOSE! SO FUCKING CLOSE! i'm crying my eyes out here 'cause i keep on thinking of what could have been! but i really loved it and i still don't like the chick he ended up marrying...her name is too confusing to type...

maybe you could write an alternate ending? where shikimi goes to visit her or something and finds out that Kanut is acctually his son?

anyway, yah i loved your story, your a great writer!
FlorVerde chapter 4 . 11/25/2009
Arg I hate you! This was such an amazing series but the ending left me so sad! And yeah I know, life isn't all about fairy tales and only great writers can successfully pull off a bitter sweet ending but I'm still really frustrated!

I wish he'd realised that that was his son and not a lover's and I wish she'd been stronger and not gone to waste this way (and honestly I really don't like her as a character though I really loved the way you wrote the downward spiral that was her (and his) character development so that it became apparent that the only way for either of them to be happy and sane was for them to split up, and I know that rationally but... arg!) and I hate how they still see her as a whore... I wish Shikimi had realised his faults more... and I wish... ok I'll just stop here lol

So yeah, I hated and loved this series at the same time. And I guess, it's not so bad he doesn't find out it's his son because he would have killed/hurt him because he's a half breed right? Gr I need to go off and find something with fluff and a happy ending now... But still, great story; you're a great writer! Emotionally wrenching... *grumbles some more*
mygosh chapter 4 . 10/22/2009
Oh!man i wanted him to find out the baby is his and not some loverss even if it only wass daq ughh!
RaindropsSeaShells chapter 4 . 9/16/2009
I really liked Firefly and Dream Catcher- their setting and ideas were very interesting, and I liked the way the plot evolved. I understand why you separated them, but I would have liked it if there had been a way for them to reunite, for Shikimi to meet his son, and for Miana not to be alone..

Maybe an alternate ending?(oOr maybe not...)

Thanks for the great tale!
lopsided89 chapter 4 . 5/30/2009
hate you...hate you so much... they could have been together!
eskimoxisses chapter 4 . 12/25/2008
Thanks again! For Firefly, and Shikimi's point of view. Lenyunai's POV too. Him...molesting her like he did reminded me of the first time that Shikimi raped Miana and I just went, "Dangit, I loathe his guts" but that's just his character, I know. The way you depicted characters and how they were feeling really made me in sync with what was going on, and you certainly did not make it a bland story by any means. I felt this sadistic female/feminist(?) satisfaction when he felt guilty. And by then I was cheering going something along the lines of that you deserve to feel guilty you brute and add an explicative. The ending though, with Suna and fireflies... it's a wonderful analogy, or comparison? I'm glad he found peace at last. AND HAHA, he's old. XD

Had to say that, so kudos to writing another story I'll commit to memory.
LJANG chapter 1 . 12/6/2008
Even without reading the author's note, I knew the man helping her was one of her brothers. So they could've been? I'm glad Shikimi actually cried over her absence and felt guilty. The fact that he was treating his fiance so well (minus that forced sex scene) when he was treating Miana, who he so called "loved", like trash pissed me off. I know monogamy isn't a part of their culture but maybe he could've changed that by just staying faithful to Miana...

You probably won't be writing a sequel but there should be one... Miana's son wanting to know more about his father and a possible reunion between the two lovers... *wishful thinking*. Great job once again!
raped by a female bunni chapter 4 . 11/21/2008
i loved dreamcatcher and firefly but i hate that they didnt end up together...i think im gonna go cry for a while
Cza-Cza chapter 4 . 10/23/2008
Can you please do a spin-off and end the story with Miania and Shikimi? I find it hard to imagine the both of them separated on different pictures.

And yes, I feel like strangling you now for ending it this way. If every story of yours was to end with the male and female leads somewhere else far away from each other...then I'll spare myself the trouble of reading them.

Honestly, spare me the chore of castrating you.
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