Reviews for Firefly
Luv and Peace chapter 4 . 10/10/2008
Hey! So i read the Dream Catcher and Firefly all of today and yesterday. I think that it's an amazing story. Even though Shikimi was very abusive to her and all, i get how it's part of the culture. The ending was sad but I'm glad they went their different ways. Also, um... I'm not really sure but did she have Stockham syndrome? Like when the kidnapped person starts to feel things for their captor? It sounds like it but again, I'm not too sure.
xQueenGee chapter 4 . 10/4/2008
Hello there, I've just finished reading this and the prequel. Its really a good story, I enjoyed it. But I've got to admit, I was so hurt by the ending. I thought he would've gotten her back, and now I'm having chest tights, feeling the pain of the seperated lovers. I hated Shikimi's wife, so much that I cried while reading dream catchers. Lols, job well don nonetheless)
celestial tears chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
4 for 4. I have read 4 of your stories and I have enjoyed 4 of your stories, this one is no different.
Katherine-the-greate chapter 4 . 9/19/2008
Great ending. i love how you tie everything up so well. i love his point of view too! great work
MuseofMagic chapter 4 . 8/30/2008
Aww it's too bad he had a misunderstanding about Miana and Daq and Kunta... I would have loved a version where he found out she had his baby. Oh well. It's probably for the best. I really loved this story and I plan to read more of your material when I have more time, unfortunately I'm a little busy now. Anyway... it's sad to see the story is over, but it was great.

~ Cait
some-one chapter 4 . 8/14/2008
awsome story.

i think it would be wonderful if you did a sequel to firefly.

but instead of miana and shikimi it should be about kunda[?]

something about him finding his father. lol

although ending it there would be okay too.

great work. i look forward to reading more of your stories.
Itsa Mia chapter 4 . 8/10/2008

a very nice piece. period. I like how you gave them closure (i've been using that word a lot...). It gave the story closure in turn. ah, redundancies...

so, olympics... (pokes fun at canadians) (you can' poke mexicans)
atreyu love chapter 4 . 8/5/2008

i did not like this ending and him mistaking Daq for

her husband and him staying with his wife.

ugh. D:
atreyu love chapter 2 . 8/5/2008
i almost feel like crying. whats going to happen?
hazza1508 chapter 4 . 7/25/2008
Loved this chapter, nice to see his happy ending and how they both ended at peace with each other without each other if that makes sense lol. Cant wait for what you write next
Revel in the Night chapter 4 . 7/25/2008
Perfect! This was exactly what all the fans of Dream Catcher needed. I'm so glad that Shikimi ended up with the peace and happiness he deserved. This chapter gave me goosebumps and I can't believe Firefly is actually finished. I love your writing! You are so talented and I am really happy that you share it on this site. Hope to read something by you soon!

x-kit-x chapter 4 . 7/25/2008
Aw lol I was hoping have him find out about the daddy. Lol.
ASouthernLady chapter 4 . 7/25/2008
FABULOUS as always! I really enjoyed the loose ends being tied up and I'm looking forward to your next story!
jaime chapter 4 . 7/24/2008
loved the ending!

god your stories kick $$ dude!
smrae chapter 4 . 7/24/2008
Aww I really wanted him to know/meet his son! (sighs) Its your story... :( lol
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