Reviews for Finding Eden
The Gray Witch chapter 2 . 10/7/2009
Oh yes, I knew there was something I forgot. Is Julia's mothers killer ever going to be revealed? You don't have to answer if you don't want, it just seems as though you've forgotten about it, that's all.
The Gray Witch chapter 47 . 10/5/2009
Oh my god... If you don't finish this, I will find you, and when I'm done, you'll pray that it had been Maria. Matias and Julia HAVE to end up together, no other exceptions, Got it? No offence though, I'm just a very blunt person. Is this a book, or do you have any plans to publish it? Because I would buy it in a heartbeat, it is truly better than anything I have ever read.
WithEveryReason chapter 3 . 9/20/2009

I wish I could write with such...emotion, and capability.

anyonmous1234kitty chapter 47 . 9/7/2009
What are you talking about! Of course she sees Matias again. You're not cruel, are you? Of course you're not! Right? Omg you better not be, I've been reading this story for two days straight, NON-STOP. I'm going to be so depressed if they never see each other again.
Aero Faerie Extraordinaire chapter 47 . 8/17/2009
Please, please update. It's killing me to be left at this cliffhanger. What happens next? I really enjoy this story and hope you continue it.

Much love,

Downtown Detours chapter 47 . 8/16/2009
Oh man. I love Matias.

HE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED ): Even if it says that was the last time she ever saw him again..

& Antoine is a sweet guy too.

If Matias is really gone I hope she at least ends up with Antoine. He'd take care of her.

Stupid Claude.
Genato chapter 47 . 7/28/2009
&(**(%%$&*$%$%$(*)(&(*_! UPDATE. NOW. OMG. WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

okay, not hat we got that out of the way... about your style of writing. can you take some details out? it's too.. word-y? i mean, of course, duh, this is fanfic, of course it's wordy! but, you could take other unnecessary ones and just be direct? i dunno. that' s my main complaint about your fic. but other than that. it's cool.

Zegram chapter 47 . 7/22/2009
Wow. That was very well done. All the suspense leading up to the big confrontation and the confrontation itself was superbly well-written and you conveyed the emotion perfectly, as you always do. The cliff hanger certainly got my attention and I hope you'll give us another chapter or some closure at least. My concern isn't only for Matias but for Chloe and the gang, I hope a few of them made it. Oh, and if it isn't too much to ask. Can Antoine rip Claude apart? Just a little?
Aero Faerie Extraordinaire chapter 47 . 7/6/2009
No! What happens next? Damned Claude, and poor Julia.

You've completely hooked me, so I must beseech you to continue writing.

Love, Aero
zakei chapter 47 . 6/21/2009
claude is such a dick. if i may call him one. ARGGH. this chapter was so frustrating. and heartbreaking. my god. where did the good days go to? sob.
beth chapter 1 . 6/16/2009
is Antoine okay? Because i like him.
NexusCRStorm chapter 47 . 6/15/2009
A superb chapter...With an excessivly gash ending! :(...The fight scene was superbly written and with an attention to detail that has remained constant through out the entire story...It's a shame that there is no happy ending here...but its at least realistic.

I really dont have much to say that i havent already said to you via private chat. I look forward to reading how this progresses.

I've been looking for ways for you to improve the chapter, but im still yet to find one. It was nice to see that the elders managed to put their differences of opinions aside to deal with the threat.
Xandrea chapter 47 . 6/14/2009
OK wow. well it was a good chapter. is she really never going to see him again? i guess i figure out when you write more chapters. i wonder how many more chapters there's going to be. i was thinking...if you really wanted to you could probably make this into at least three books so far. i know id buy them if i saw them in a book store. :) cant wait for more.
Woman-of-winterfell chapter 47 . 6/12/2009
WHAT?No! No no no no no! i have now worried my parents very much by bursting into tears. now i am just going to be depressed untill the next chapter comes out. i am so sad and angry right now, but at the same time, i am loving this story even more because of all the emotion it can prevoke with in me. i get more and more tempted with every chapter to print out the whole story at home so i can carry it aroun with me at all times to just read over and over again. this story needs to be published...and released in the U.S.A. so i can buy it. i need to go sit in my room and cry now.
sooner or later its over chapter 47 . 6/11/2009

that was THE last time she EVER saw him?

you have to be yankin' my chain right?
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