Reviews for Finding Eden |
AubriannaKnight chapter 47 . 6/11/2009 Ah... Pounnds fists and throws a temper tantrum. Oh god, no, no, no, please no. It just can't be the last time Julia will ever see Matias. That's unbelievably sad. You know a story is good when I get this emotionally involved in it. I actually panicked and cried a little. The ending of this last chapter is so depressing. If she said something like "I believed with all of my heart, that this would be the last time I would ever see my love ever again". There would be hope, but with your ending there is none, because she is telling the reader, after the story, what had already happened. In a way half of me wants to just stop reading here, but then there is a small part of me that wants to continue on just in order to see what happens with Claude. Most times after reading such a large part of the story, a change this extreme scares and confuses me. And poor Matias, what will become of him. I just hope that he is still alive, but then if he never is going to sees Julia again, maybe it would be better if he didn’t survive. Claude intrigued me but now he pissed me off. Is he more or less powerful than Matias? Update soon. I'm going insane not knowing what is to become of Julia now that she has been taken away. |
Long lost sorrow chapter 47 . 6/10/2009 Brava, maestro. This is awe-inspiring, yet again. I absolutely despise Claude...I want him to die. I really, really do. Matias is still my favorite character out of all the stories I've ever read on FictionPress, and that's saying a lot. He might even be my favorite out of all the books I've ever read. Thank you again for an amazing chapter! |
FrenzyFan78 chapter 47 . 6/10/2009 Are you serious? That's a terrible place to end a chapter! *grumble* ... Hi, I'm usually a lurker. But since it seems as though this story is drawing to a close, I figured you deserved a review (finally). I've been keeping tabs on this for a while, and it's always exciting to see that you've posted a new chapter. Ever since the Twilight craze has plagued teen and preteen girls everywhere, supernatural stories have become cheesy and quite cliche. But yours - nope. You've made the characters your own - I'm not sure I could come up with anything to critique you on (at least off the top of my head) as far as character development. It's especially nice to see that you spend time with characters other than Julia and Matias. My main critique would likely be that it takes forever to get to this point in the story. Don't get me wrong - I loved reading it - but I'm sure some thorough editing could get rid of the extraneous story that doesn't directly influence the direction of the plot. I'd be specific, but that's a job for if I could see the big picture (read: when it's done) and some re-reading. But seriously - great work. And I really, really hope that you can post the concluding chapter(s) soon. -FrenzyFan78 |
blackrule chapter 47 . 6/10/2009 aww no way they arn't dead are they? That seriously isn't the last time she sees him is it! |
zakei chapter 46 . 6/7/2009 OH DUDE. i think Eudora's lying. crap so how is matias. and i'm glad to know that Claude is more self-respecting than to be like Maria. Thank god lillian dies. hurm. i wish julia drank lillian dry instead of burning her. what a waste of blood. :p |
zakei chapter 45 . 6/7/2009 omg. that sucks. do chloe and kami escape alive? omgzx. at least thank god Antoine is okay. Camille is such a coward in all her wisdom. |
zakei chapter 44 . 6/7/2009 lol. Rene is so sweet. i think i'm overusing the word 'sweet' in my reviews. and i hope matias will be okay. or like have a hell of a fun time battling in Greece, at least. That Grecian vampiress scares me. why would an old lady want to be a vamp anyway, huh? hurms. |
zakei chapter 43 . 6/7/2009 that is so sweet. saccharine, practically. but its good to see that they are back together again. haha. i like chloe too. such a cute, sweet character. lucky kami ;p |
a.crayon.called.awesome chapter 46 . 6/7/2009 I absolutely love this story. I'm anxious to find out what happens next. update soon :] |
Xandrea chapter 46 . 6/3/2009 Oh wow. You know that would really suck if everyone she knows is dead, well besides her lover. Claude's back. :) Didn't expect him to come back with her though lol. Well i loved this chapter. Cant wait for more. |
blackrule chapter 46 . 5/30/2009 So the plot thickens indeed. I really want to know what happened to Camille and Antoine though. Did they escape? Are they also trapped? Or did Maria kill them? hehe I think the story is moving along quite nicely. It's rather like reading a novel. I love it! Keep up the great work I can't wait to read the next chapter! :D |
Doomsday Forte chapter 46 . 5/29/2009 Yeah, this is what they call the end of the world. I thought it was especially nice of Camille to lie with Julia in that coffin. She touched on it, but it's the same idea as a child sleeping with her parents because of a storm or nightmare, isn't it? That's how I took it anyway. A part of me is surprised she killed again. It's a little weird as we're not used to her using her power in such a way, but it is rather fitting and we all know what we must do to survive. There's not really a lot I can say right now. Great chapter, and it seems like the curtain is starting to draw to a close. At least, unless Julia takes another detour and tacks on another 30 chapters~! P |
sooner or later its over chapter 45 . 5/23/2009 you simply HAVE to post again soon :) |
Doomsday Forte chapter 45 . 5/23/2009 "Problem" is a bit of an understatement, don't you think? More like "oh shit, the world's ending." I found it cute how Antoine and Camille got along, or lack thereof. I honestly would have suspected the same as Julia, that he had something for her, but after the end of this chapter...Hmm, can't help but wonder what's gonna come of that, if any. I think I've read one of your chapters in record time for once. Yeah, I got the whole everything but did it in half the time. Am I getting used to it, 44 chapters too late? The next chapter should be amazingly good. Julia and Maria's final conflict is about to happen, and it'll be a wonder if there's any world left when it's over. 3 |
blackrule chapter 45 . 5/23/2009 gah a cliff hanger. But Camille and Antoine hmm? lol They might make a good couple. I wonder if Claude is working with Maria. It doesn't seem likely but Maria's style is more to make Julia suffer whereas Claude seems to want her for something else. Anyway enough of my rambling thoughts, can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work :) |