Reviews for Finding Eden
Xandrea chapter 45 . 5/22/2009
I really like this chapter. I'm glad antoine is back. Did chloe and kami and them die? Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
bela13 chapter 42 . 5/22/2009
i apsilutly love your story. you don't discribe things to the point that it's boring in reading it you manage to do it the right amount. your charects change and evoluve as the story goes on without all of a sudden suddenly my morals changed. i can not wait to see the next chapter
Xandrea chapter 44 . 5/21/2009
Wow. I loved these past two chapters. You are such a talented writer. I can't wait to see what happens next.:) Just wondering though, does Claude ever come back into the picture?
Long lost sorrow chapter 44 . 5/18/2009
This is such an amazing and beautifully written story. You should try and get this published for sure, because it would be a bestseller.

...Finish writing it on here first, though, or I'm afraid I would be in agony forever wondering how the story ended.

This is my favorite story on Fictionpress! Thanks for being so amazing!
zakei chapter 42 . 5/18/2009
forgiveness is good.
Doomsday Forte chapter 44 . 5/17/2009
So it begins, huh? About time., I mean, I'm glad that the wheels set into motion so long ago are now bearing fruit and...I had a point here but I'll carry on.

Eudora seems interesting. I knew you said you liked her as a character, and I found it a little odd that Julia Fearless Cross would even be shaken a little by her! I mean, kinda hard to look like a ghoul with your skin so perfect and flawless. Unless...I dunno, I'm not gonna think about it because I like not having nightmares.

Has anyone else caught onto the underlying/recurring theme or whatever? Whenever Matias is away, bad shit happens. I'm still calling for you to start World War I here just because you can. Julia will be the lead tactician of the Vampire faction and their involvement will determine the future of the entire world. :D

I also hate how Camille still won't let Julia in. I have a feeling that she's not going to have an easy go and will have to go at her heart with a drill or a piledriver. Is anyone else going to laugh if the dealbreaker is when Julia throws Camille into a wall? I want them to have a good relationship, but she just will not let it happen! Argh. How annoying.

Yeah, my comment about this being a banned book is probably gonna come true. You can never tell with people anymore...

Good luck dealing with people who wish to kill you.
blackrule chapter 44 . 5/17/2009
I knew Maria had to reappear soon. Now for Claude to reappear. Will we be seeing what happens with Matias while he's away or is that something we learn when he gets back if at all? The story seems to only be from Julia's point of view afterall. I am ever so curious as to why Eudora and Antoine seem to dislike each other so much though. I think it may be safe to assume that something happens while Matias is away. I'm not quite sure why I think that but I just do hehe anyway besides a couple of spelling errors I think this chapter was wonderful. I very much look forward to reading more about Antoine's time at the castle. I love his mischeif!
Doomsday Forte chapter 43 . 5/15/2009
Apologies for taking so long to review. You know how it goes when you're actually writing that you can't read someone else's work. P

I really liked this chapter. Is this the most you've used exclamation points in this book?

And, I just liked how this chapter was (mostly) happy. I mean, your story is incredibly dark and all, but it's nice for Julia to have her good days. Not to mention, it was refreshing to see her act so girly and all. Makes us remember she used to be a real human once.

I dunno, I can't really touch on too much much since I liked the chapter as a whole. I liked hearing about Chloe and Kami's history, though no one seems to care that William is just a glorified extra of sorts. XD He'll get his own story and it'll turn out he's from Mars or something...

I hear you're deep into the next chapter. And so soon too...way to crank them out. :D
NexusCRStorm chapter 42 . 5/12/2009
So i can see from the top of the page that we are coming to the end of this story...i guess its no suprise really...this is after all only a short story! -chuckles to himself and makes a note that when he comes to remember to duck-

So about the chapter...Well the argument / dissagreement has finally been resolved (and in a much better way then it was done in the original of the last chapter IMHO of course). I started here because well, i thought it needed saying. I thought the argument was a very real representation of an argument between lovers. It was superbly set out with both sides having made cheap shots at the other.

The section with Dominic...well...hell apparently hath no fury like a woman scorned and well, power or no power, Dominic was going to lose any argument / discussion that he engaged with Julia in! Of course Dominic's ancient code of honour meant that there was an easy solution to the issue at hand and i was glad to see that it was completly resolved with out that being lost at all. Again...even though Julia was exceptionally rude but hey..if your gonna go, go with a bang right ?

On the subject of Camille...Doesnt it seem that her heart becomes less entombed in ice every chapter. Her maternal side clearly showing throughout the chapter and i thought that made her feel even more like a real person.

On this same topic..i have to confess to loving the way that all of your characters are on their own personal journey which is woven so very well with the main plot of the story. Camille is becoming less withdrawn and more "loving" for a want of a better word. Julia has all but lost her fear of the dark and is coming out of her protective shell and is ready to defend herself when appropriate. Matias has his companion and i dare say no longer feels the need to take the final walk in to the sun light (mentioned by Lorraine early in the story). Antoinne...well...damnit i cant think of any thing for Antoinne...i dont think there really is any thing for him...hes as mischevious and devious as he always was. The only real change with him is that he no longer holds on to the past which i suppose would have been his part in this journey. Maria..well...heres to hoping Maria gets dead with no afterlife which would conclude her part in the story nicely!

We also have all the 'minor' characters who will at the end no doubt have completed their part in this epic tale (Chloe and Kami already have theirs..i cant wait to see what Ronnie, Landon and William end up as).

Well i guess thats all really...we only had the end of the argument and the end of official hostilities with Dominic in this chapter. One thing i will note is that its funny how Julia went back to what was 'safe' in her mind when she felt she had no where else to go (safe would be the library and her books).

The chapter had a nice balance of humour (the books heading out the window and Julia's fast wit when dealing with Matias and Dominic), and tension as well as a small array of other emotions which again brought your characters to life.

On a personal note...i am a little saddened at the amount of reviews that this story is getting these days as well as what is contained in the small reviews that do come through. Helpful points for an author is more useful then saying the chapter is 'loved'. Think why the chapter is loved and explain, or what you feel could have been done better. It doesnt matter how many times its been said...reinforcement of points is always lets the author know that things havent been lost and that they are still on the right track..or if you feel things have been lost, explain that too. It helps make the author a better author who will be more willing to supply more story FOR FREE! I for one would glady go and part with money to buy this story when it gets published and here it is...being given for free (see..i have reitterated my point...has it hit home yet!). Before any one comments asking why my review was so late after the release of this chapter...Every thing that i have said here, i told Kanshisa in private chat shortly after the chapter was completed!

Kanshisha!...From me to you!..This chapter is as epic as the ones previously and i enjoyed it immensly..but then, you already knew that didnt you! (another reitterated point).

-Nexus Storm-
Xandrea chapter 42 . 5/5/2009
I absolutly love this story. when i first started to read it you had 40 chapters up. Ive been reading it non stop for the past week and a half. It really sucks that i have to wait for you to put up new chapters now. lol your an amazing writer. the story is great so far. cant wait for more. :)
Unknown chapter 14 . 5/5/2009
i think you will find that bonsoir is actually 1 word. Bonjour certainly is...and if you google 'bonsoir', it comes up as 1 word.

In english, goodnight is 1 word :P
L chapter 14 . 5/3/2009
just an fyi, bon soir is two separate words.
Doomsday Forte chapter 42 . 4/28/2009
Wow, Camille really played the part of big sister/matron well in this chapter. I'm not sure if I was supposed to laugh at the part where she sent all of Julia's books flying out the window (and slammed the window shut), but it was quite an enjoyable sight. I can see her embarrassedly helping Julia pick them up out of the mud that was conveniently there. Ehehehe.

Julia really broke the chutzpah meter this time. I wasn't expecting her to be so ballsy encountering her potential death, but hell, if you're gonna die, may as well go out in a blaze of glory and badassery. Talk about putting a serious strain on your relationship talking down your own reaper when he's in the room...

Also, blah blah blah respect is earned not given.

I also was surprised with Kami's revelation of his relationship with Chloe. Though I'm not entirely sure if I agree with what he did. Sure, it was bad to a lot of people as he made her dependent on him, but it also acted as a bit of protection, as she'll always be near him in case of trouble. Because he made her weak, yeah. Okay, so I'm still conflicted.

I liked this chapter because there was enough calamity (or its light version, strife?) to make it not all hunky-dory like the end of the original last chapter. P There were a lot of developments between the characters, which was nice.

Can't wait to see what all Chloe has to ask Julia. Here comes the little kid looking at the world with all the wonderment of youth comparisons!
Xandrea chapter 15 . 4/19/2009
Hi. I really like this story so far. i cant wait to finish reading it. your an amazing writer. :)
zakei chapter 41 . 4/19/2009
how sad. and for the first time a fight in its full glory. hm. nice to see that chloe is getting better. haha. keep writing. i would like to see more of dominic.
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