Reviews for To Fall Undone
OfFruitLoopsAndOtters chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
This is a well-written story. Great work! Hades being the god of death works well in this story, and I don't think you should change it, but he isn't the god of death in actual mythology. He is only the god of the underworld. The god of death in Greek mythology is Thanatos.
Oni chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
This is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous. I'm speechless.
Jackie chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
Persephone is my favorite goddess! I loved this one shot
niki chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
This is so good! I really loved it.

BTW you're pen name is a lyrics from coheed and Cambria's song Wake Up. I was just curious if you liked them too.
persephone1 chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
You asked for advice well lisen up , you should read some of the other stories on this web site it will help you. Trust me you have a chance to be a good writer.
writewithcourage chapter 1 . 1/20/2010
wow, this is good, especially if you're new~ :DD

great job.
anon goddess chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
Wonderful story, very beautiful. I don't see anything wrong, no Greek facts that is and though I'm not an authority on Mythology the people I went to school with simply described my knowledge to surprised teachers as "She knows things" lol.

Books to recommend, this was written a while ago I see but if you're still interested, both the Iliad and the Odyssey are wonderful poems to read to get a feel for mythology and a book to help understand the myths better is "Mythology" by Edith Hamilton. (It covers Greek, Roman and Norse mythology if I'm not mistaken.) For a fictional piece based on Greek ideals, "The Firebrand" by Marion Zimmer Bradley is wonderful. (It is a re-telling of the Trojan War through the eyes of the prophetess Cassandra of Troy.) I hope this helps.

Once again, wonderful piece. (I love the way you portrayed Persephone and Hades' relationship and everything seems to be well though out.)

-anon goddess ;)
Tegan chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
This was absolutely beautiful. The only thing that I could find out of place in it was when Persephone said that she missed Mount Olympus - she was a nymph and probably never would have been to Olympus XP

I hope that you do go forward with Hades' POV :D
Eye for Beauty chapter 1 . 1/16/2009
This is a lovely piece! I love the myth of Persephone and Hades and you did a great job about what Persephone thoughts were. 'A child of both worlds' is simply peotic. Please do the world a favor and keep writing

~Eye for Beauty
MissxLynn227 chapter 1 . 9/25/2008
That was really great and really beautiful.
Watch the Witches Burn chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
Amara Quinn chapter 1 . 8/2/2008
I never realized that anyone outside of my twisted mind enjoys the Persephone/Hades thing. All my friends find it creepy or "evil," as they put it. Hm... I happen to adore it.
True Promise chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
Nice balance of the whole "I don't want to be here but I want to be here" theme. Also, this was one of my favorite stories in Greek mythology, and I like this take on it.
RYTEREWQ chapter 1 . 7/17/2008

I'm not that into Mythology, I admit, This was amazing.

Hmm, books? Well...try finding a novelization of the Illiad and the Odessey, by Homer, I think? I don't know, the original poem version is too hard for me. I found one in story form. (:

Anyways, amazing, as usual. Two thumbs up and a fave. ;)
zagato chapter 1 . 7/16/2008
Hi! I love the myth of Hades and Persephone. Your story is so beautiful. Thank you!
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