Reviews for Raised By Wolves (disc) |
Kildosad chapter 28 . 6/17/2017 omg. eXCITED |
M.Bianca chapter 5 . 10/24/2014 "limited addition Gucci bag"? typo alarm |
PaloAltoFreakCoven chapter 26 . 10/7/2014 I haven't been on FictionPress is about three to four years and your story was one of the few stories I actually remembered and hunted down. (I had to make a new account lol) I am so sad to see that it is discontinued, but I am so happy to hear that you are going to start over with their characters so I'm saying good luck! I can't wait to see your progress. Amanda |
lizzy1414 chapter 27 . 9/6/2014 Hey, I'm sad this story isn't being continued. I loved it... Hopefully you'll write more... Let's us know please. |
story chapter 27 . 6/24/2014 please finish. don't leave your readers hanging! |
imperfectlyokay chapter 27 . 6/23/2014 I was unreasonably excited to see this update. I'm so happy you're still working on Raised By Wolves! It's honestly one of my favourite stories on here. |
zombie-yoda-souleater chapter 26 . 1/18/2013 NONONONONONONONONONO NO! Bad Alaina! VERY BAD ALAINA! I loved the story! AND YOU STOPED IT! Now I'm depressed... :( |
anon chapter 26 . 11/23/2012 Nooo! No. No. No. No. Yes I realized that the story was discontinued when I started to read it, but...but... I stayed up all night to read it, and then it just ends, encased in mystery! So other than the fact that I am very mad at you for that, I loved your story, however unfinished as it may be. You work really well with the style, and I found myself falling in love with the characters one after another. I have to go mope now. |
dreamXaXdream chapter 3 . 9/28/2012 NICE! |
S'mores Poptarts chapter 26 . 8/2/2012 Best of luck Alaina! I'm looking forward to what you come up with! |
imperfectlyokay chapter 26 . 7/17/2012 That's so depressing, I don't even know what to say :\ Buuuuut, if you're really going to revamp the entire thing then I look forward to it! I don't want it to be entirely different but it's your story and I trust you'll do the best thing with it :D |
bookwormchicklove chapter 16 . 7/5/2012 I like your tastes in music, my favorite band of all is All Time Low and also I really like the way you write, keep up the good work ;) |
R. Ficst chapter 3 . 6/6/2012 oh man. her brothers don't recognize her. oh mannn XD |
R. Ficst chapter 1 . 6/6/2012 hee hee I like how the last line tacks on to all the build up. Describing the family without mentioning dating as an issue until that one line gives it great effect. |
neonafrohead chapter 26 . 6/6/2012 WHY DID IT HAVE TO END! :(...and so abruptly at a cliffey :(( |