Reviews for Halfway
heal me forever chapter 4 . 11/11/2012
wiping away d happy tears gosh BEAUTIFUL!
HeadOverHeelsInHate chapter 4 . 10/5/2012
Oh my god! That was so freaking adorable! I love it! Eek!
SS Felton chapter 4 . 8/18/2012
Loved this story. The slow moving pace was the best. The reader could actually feel the depth of the relationship and your words are so poignant. I especially loved where he led her around the pitch retelling the memories. They felt so real and brought back feeling from my own childhood that I actually started tearing up in a good way. Lovely story.
SwimmingThroughExistance chapter 4 . 1/10/2012
its so fluffy and cute and heart warming and awesome! i loved it with all my heart
Brandi Heir chapter 4 . 1/2/2012
I don't know if you're still active on this site but I couldn't resist not reviewing this.

It really is such an amazing and beautiful story. Not to sound cliche, but it is SO heartwarming. I could really feel all of the emotions of all the characters.

But I think the best part, by far, is when Matthew takes Allison around the baseball field, recounting their old memories. It's so perfect, and more importantly, real.

This is such a beautiful story and you should be proud of it.
non.graceful chapter 4 . 2/12/2011
That was worth reading and commenting on D

Loved it.
donttrustme chapter 4 . 5/12/2010
wow... hahahah i love all your little stories, there really cute!
hiya chapter 4 . 12/26/2008
Hazelnut Romance chapter 4 . 12/23/2008
Abc1234512 chapter 4 . 11/1/2008
aw. -cheesy grin-

xD I love cheesiness. I live for it1 Haha, kidding, but that was adorable. x3 I loved it. :D
Hoodfabulous chapter 4 . 10/25/2008
It was okay. I can't see it actually happening. Because well, 10 years man. That's a long time. And I actually don't think it's that cliche. Compared to other stuff I read, your stuff is actually quite original. I don't really like baseball, so that's why I wasn't that into it. And I don't know, I just believe somehow, you get over somebody. It's tragic, but it happens whether you want it to or not. I really like the concept and title though. :)
Hoodfabulous chapter 2 . 10/24/2008
God I hate emo’s. This isn't emo, this is "angst" An angst fest is what is. And it's adorable. I don't know if this story is going to beat "The Shed" in its awesomeness. But, I guess I should read the rest to find out. You go into description pretty well with all your stories so short, but this one I can't see myself imaging what Matt and Ally look like but their cute together, like it is with all your other stories they just mush together. If you get what I mean. Heart-warming... is the best way I can describe the stuff you write. Sounds lame but it really gets me in the sweet factor. Oh yeah, it's funny too.
cbprice25 chapter 4 . 10/1/2008
Very cute.
jenc11 chapter 4 . 8/23/2008
I love how sweet and innocent this story is. Makes me feel sad that my childhood was so much less eventful. :P Nicely written.
Waitingnotsopatiently chapter 4 . 8/2/2008
-smiles cheesily-

I love cheesy stories. They're just so...cheesily awesome!

This last chapter had me smiling all the way through it...This was SO freaking cute. I loved it!

Thanks for yet another amazingly awesome story! ]
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