Reviews for Undeniably Sexy |
BirdyRaven chapter 18 . 1/16/2010 Oh gosh, please update soon. I this story. It's very funny and the characters are awesome. |
Liviania chapter 18 . 12/12/2009 Oh man, that was a brutal scene. I even feel for the poor stepmother, who was clearly freaking out. Not the most comforting way to see a guy treat his kid when you're pregnant. As for the rest of the story . . . I like it! You really pull of a character who could be annoying. Tav's voice sells it. Livi |
LimeSmoothie chapter 18 . 12/4/2009 aw so good! no really. this slash contains every overly-dramatic moment i have ever envisioned while reading slash. except my demented situations never actually happen and i'm always sad that it's so realistic. THAT'S WHY THIS IS FANTASTIC! it's like my ideal!humorous slash fic :P |
LimeSmoothie chapter 3 . 12/4/2009 this is amazing. i love Tav HARD. |
MsKarlz4 chapter 18 . 11/21/2009 hehehehe lmao i found it so funny, especially the last line! x3 |
A Dying Species chapter 18 . 11/21/2009 This is a totally -ly awsome chapter, I really enjoyed it! I just read the chapter before this, and i could've sworn that the last time i read it, the sex scene wasn't that detailed, with the umm... Well i just have to say, that I have been waiting for this chapter to come out, and i'm so happy it did. It seems that whenever you post a new chapter and i read it, i just can't wait till i can read the next one. So thankyou for updating! I think I'm in love! But i'm really irritated with Bredan; why is he so calm? Freaky. And i'm mad at Tav, after the sex he goes and says "Ew! Ugly germs!", but i know they care for each other deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, dep within the themselves, or so what i interpreted from that scene with the umm... So thanks for updating and writing this chapter and just for writing this story. Okay. Update Asap! If you can... or else. I just wanted to say or else, it was completly random, just like my sex life... Okay! Bye! |
Esquirella chapter 18 . 11/20/2009 What a way to wake up on your birthday! You finally bag the albeit plain boy you've been pursuing, and your dad shows up with his wife to kick you out. i hope she reams that jackass a new asshole! It sounded like she was starting to. |
house of flies chapter 18 . 11/20/2009 wow. tav is my new personal hero. i never thought i'd meet someone as hot as i am. |
bookaholic13 chapter 18 . 11/20/2009 how embarrassing ! but very funny. So sexy and ugly are doing the dirty but... do they like each other ? hard 2 figure out. |
AlphaBeatKayGee chapter 18 . 11/20/2009 Oh man. This chapter was funny! I love how they're soo...nonchalant about al that's happened. His Dad. *slap* And that woman...*double slap for Dad* and that baby *TRIPLE SLAP!* EHM. Now that the slap fest has ended...YOU! UPDATE SOON! |
JtheChosen1 chapter 18 . 11/19/2009 Wow...Tav's dad is an ass! Poor Sexy! He needs some support! Glad his friends are there for him at least, and Brandan, whatever he is now lol. Keep up the great job! |
Esther-the-scribe chapter 17 . 10/25/2009 Heyy! I have an account on here, lolz. BUT! ZOMG! I know how you feel. I can never write that stuff for fans, I try and it fails. I feel like people in my house are gonna read it and take me away. lolz, but when you made Tav bring up the kissing, I sreamed "Now they HAVE to kiss! THen have hott passionate sex to fill up the awkward tension!" Obviously, I got my little wishes *ah~* |
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 8 . 10/23/2009 I see Brendan in his normal spot before school and I’m suddenly nervous. Wait. Me nervous? - Ha! Boots on the other foot now! Love Brendan! |
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 2 . 10/23/2009 Dace stares in disbelief, “No!” I nod. “But-but you’re you! How is it even possible to reject you?” - This is making my day :) |
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 1 . 10/23/2009 So amused right now :) |