Reviews for Don't let us know
Guest chapter 24 . 2/17/2014
apparently the love has too many problem to solve that u decided to stop updating..
Renn chapter 12 . 8/11/2013
Would you write another sequel ?
FireflyWriter chapter 24 . 10/1/2012
I really hope you continue with this story. It is amazing.
Nia Love chapter 24 . 9/26/2012
This story is beautiful! I wish I could know the ending though! Please, I'm begging you to update!
0301 chapter 24 . 9/9/2012
First, my thoughts on the story...

Would the cycle repeats itself? I really wish that Sara would at least hear Zoe out. I know it sucks being in the dark for too long but I think they needed the space.

Now, this is the part where I beg you to please give us closure on the story. Pretty please? :) This is a wonderful story an it hurts me to see it unfinished. Please continue writing.
beans13 chapter 24 . 6/17/2012
NOOOOOOOO! I'm so upset that you haven't finished this! I must know what happens :( please update!
anon chapter 24 . 2/19/2012
I love the story. So... does it have an ending, hopefully it does and I'll be waiting for it.:D
ohemjules chapter 23 . 6/22/2011
Ive fallen in love with this story, it's written so well. Update soon?
NSFW chapter 24 . 5/24/2011
no more updates? :(
she chapter 24 . 5/21/2011
please update! hope all is well.
sirozorg chapter 24 . 1/17/2011
I love your stories, DLTKAU and DLUK, both of them! Update soon! _
ellis93 chapter 24 . 12/24/2010
pls update ,for the sake of god. merry christmas and happy new year everyone. i'm dying to see what happens next "
Nobody In Particular chapter 24 . 12/8/2010
I guess I should start off with saying that Don't Let Them Know About Us and Don't Let Us Know have to be my favorite stories on here. Please, oh frigging please update soon. I almost cried seeing that I had finished the last uploaded chapter. God, I'm probably going to be rambling, but I just can't get over how much this has affected me. I've cried and I've read like there's no tomorrow. This is the first story that I actually stayed up all night to read, and I'm pretty sure I'll be rereading it all a few times. I think it's pretty much become a neccessity to find out exactly how it ends. It's really opened my eyes to what I might actually experience in life (seeing as I'm only sixteen years old, I haven't had much of a chance to experience anything, but moving on...), and all I suppose I can do is to really try to impress on you that I thank you so much for sharing it with us. I am really not surprised by all the lengthy reviews (I've only skimmed through a couple, and there seems to be quite a few). I guess I'm pretty much just adding another one. Anyway, like I said before, please update soon. I'm dying to find out what happens.
D chapter 24 . 12/1/2010
I love this story, thank you for writing it! Can't wait for your update but I guess I might have to... Really, my heart is broken right now by that last chapter...
hotgirl chapter 24 . 11/15/2010
I hope you didn't die from working too hard. Update!
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