Reviews for Lost Wings
Stefanvampire chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
Beautiful. 3
Amber Akasha chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
Very beautiful, sad but kind of happy at the same time .

Surprisingly enough, not depressing!

I love the descriptions and the Doctor's thoughts, though I'm still a little confused about the pills... did the nurse accidentally mix them up?


Luv chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
AH My goodness I am crying! Having actually *vacationed* briefly in the loony bin, this story hit really close to home. This was so, so, so pretty. I loved your imagery, I really saw angels. And you were right about the nurses, and about the doctors searching for "file fodder." Great phrase, great story.
Emoshun15 chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
That was pretty interesting. A little short for you, but still amazing as usual. ] I'm alittle confused though, did Michael die at the end?

transitionofthe chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
Does he die? Is he really crazy? My liking for your writing is growing. -smiles-
Rhodd chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
Very cute, but i can't say that i didn't expect the ending because i've had similar ideas but never got to write them down. A touching story but a bit stiff in the beginning, the second half is wonderfully written and i like that it's actually up to the reader to interpret if Michael actually was an angel or not, and if he died. What buggs me a bit is the fact that the pill he took was said to be different...
Chasmodai Blue chapter 1 . 12/5/2008
I love the ending. It's simultaneously open-ended and very fulfilling. The narration was good, especially the execution of present-tense-third-person. I find that tone always feels particularly surrealist to me.

You have great talent.

I'm so jealous.
bladesmith more or less chapter 1 . 8/2/2008
you're one fascinating person, cat. I like it, run with it. or fly with it. or jump off the roof with it, however it goes down. and without meaning to offend, I was under the impression that you were a morbid psychopath who possibly escaped from the psyche ward... or something like that. none the less, I'm glad you didn't jump off the roof. and I mean that as the sincerest form of compliment

- the bladesmith
PandaPanda chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
The intro was pretty morbid.

But the overall piece left quite an impression.

I especially loved the way you described the transformation.
Saint Sentiment chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
How adorable one-shot with melancholy overtones. This kind of piece isn't naturally found in original fiction; I like that.

What a grotesque end to childish innocence, though. I would rather have it that he had not died.

Michael certainly is a cute character, seemingly unaware of the world around him, but is more aware of a different universe unknown to society's eyes.

It is cute how he thinks he is an angel and his mother was as well, though it makes me a bit sad, knowing the cruel truth.

And no, I don't think this story is the product of a demented person suffering from psychosis. It's actually quite creative.

If only oblivious little Micheal did not meet his death at the end of the chapter, I would have liked everything about this piece.

Happy Writing.