Reviews for Out of Luck
andee lee chapter 11 . 10/1/2008

Once a scumbag, ALWAYS A MOTHER-F'IN SCUM BAG. LOL omg, I'm freaking out right now. haha. I was just WAITING for something like this. muahahaha.

Okay, so where's Aiden? I think Kate needs a dose of his medicine. if you know what I mean. -wink wink- lol

Oh, and Never Let Go is fabulous, too!

-Andee :-)
buffyeesummers chapter 11 . 10/1/2008
AH - I knew something was going on with Charlie.

That's terrible that she found out right after she confided in her mom that she was beginning to fall for him again. He doesn't deserve her. And I hope that her mom doesn't give her a hard time about this all.

I also hope that she doesn't go right to Aiden. He doesn't deserve to be a rebound guy.

Thank-you so much! I loved this one so much. I can't wait for the next chapter!
WriterGurl123 chapter 11 . 10/1/2008
I had every right to hate him and I guess her mother can now be quiet about Charlie. Even though he had hurt Kate once before, she still loved him and he had the audacity to cheat on her after asking her back. That's just ridiculous.

Love it!
cara chapter 10 . 9/30/2008
please update this story! i love it!
WriterGurl123 chapter 10 . 9/27/2008
It's so sad that their friendship is never going to be the same because she decided to stay with Charlie, who I have a feeling is just bullshitting her. I wish she could just find out how wrong of a guy he is to her.

Love it!
Nerdette chapter 10 . 9/26/2008
This is really good! I really want to know Charlie's intentions though.
book.babe15 chapter 10 . 9/26/2008
yayy aiden! great chapter! i hope by 'good chapter' you mean the chapter where she dumps charlie for aiden? :)
Once Upon a Time is Forever chapter 10 . 9/26/2008
No! Come back Aiden!

Luv the story; pleez write more soon!
theslykit chapter 10 . 9/26/2008
man do i feel for aiden! T-T please update soon!
andee lee chapter 10 . 9/26/2008

I kept waiting for them to freakin make out but they never did!

GAH Aiden is so much better than Charlie... HELLO KATE ARE YOU BLIND!


i'm glad they finally hung out again, though. THANK THE LORD!

-Andee :-)
buffyeesummers chapter 10 . 9/26/2008

please, Please, PLEASE update soon - if you're saying it's going to be good, I want to know what's going to happen!

However, I really loved this chapter - breaking rules is fun ;-)

The ending was very heart wrenching. I hate that things aren't good between them.

I can't decide if I want Charlie to end up being a jerk. Do we want a 'I told you so' moment or just an epiphany that she works so much better with Aiden than Charlie? Tough choices.

buffyeesummers chapter 9 . 9/24/2008
I don't know - I still don't trust Charlie. I don't know how I can read this much into it, but all of his actions (and motivations too!) seem fake. I think it's mostly to do with all the smirking he does, even when he's doing things that aren't funny, as if he is humoring her.

UGH, jerk.

Who knows though. Maybe Charlie has changed.

Bring Aiden back - I miss him.

And please update soon. I am in need of a good read (in order to procrastinate from my first set of midterms!).

buffyeesummers chapter 8 . 9/24/2008
Aww, every now and then Aiden does break the rules.

I love him - if she won't be with him, I will!
buffyeesummers chapter 3 . 9/24/2008
I love Avery!

Talk about making a situation awkward.


Keep up the amazing work!
buffyeesummers chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
Man - this is totally my dream come true.

I was in the ER with my mom a few weeks ago, and her attending doctor was HOT STUFF. Pity he was twenty years my senior.

I really how this started off! I love Kate's personality.

Can't wait to see where you take this!

Update soon :-)
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