Reviews for Stuck With a Gangster
strawberiies chapter 15 . 8/18/2011
This is an adorable story. I love how protective Frank is. :) Hm... but still wondering what is going to happen with James. And why did Tania need the money in the first place? Sorry if it was mentioned already ;

Great writing! xx
too lazy to log in chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK! Been waiting for your update on stuck with... PLS PLS PLS. hahaha :))


your fan
friarhmn chapter 15 . 8/16/2011
Love it! Please update soon? Every chapter has me begging on my knees for more!

Can't wait to see what's next :)
cookiewolf chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
Awesome chapter! Absolutely loving the concept of it so far.
Binkybaby chapter 15 . 7/22/2011
I really enjoyed this. Update soon! Very soon!
superfan chapter 15 . 7/14/2011
Please please update! Just want to let you know that you still have a lot of fans! hahaha. Your story is one of he best that I've read here. Cant wait for the next chap!
Nerdette Love chapter 15 . 6/29/2011
I'm new to FictionPress and this is the second story I've read and it's thoroughly intruiguing although I'm confused to the relationship between Frank and Tania, after all he says it's a business deal and yet he gets so worried when she disappears. Is is all just an act or does he actually feel for her?

It's bizarrely odd for me, and Christy? Where does she fit into all of this exactly and does Frank want to get back with her? Why didn't he just ask her.

It says romance, so I was kind of expecting the romance to be between Frank and Tania, unless that isn't going to happen, although it's what I'm kind of rooting for! After all, it's labelled 'M' and under Romance they have to get it on? As I don't see it happening with Jamie any time soon.

Although this isn't my story so I don't know what's going to happen nor can I control it, but I'm excited to read more. I just hope for a happy ending!

This is an intriguing story and definitely has an intriguing storyline, especially Black he confounds me the most. You expect one thing and get totally another, it seems as though he has a soft spot for Tania...

So many questions which continue to go unanswered, so we'll have to wait and see where you take the story.

Very excited to read more on this story as I love the Crime side, I have quite the weak spot for Romance/Crime, it started after an infatuation with Nora Roberts, In Death series.

So anticipating more! :D
ikababy chapter 15 . 6/22/2011
ACK! How you make my heart ache with your way with words. *Sigh* I've fallen hard for little ol' Black and ehhh I suppose I'm warming up to Frank-but shucks I kinda like Luke too! Sheesh I'm such a slut. -.- aha but man oh man, wouldn't it be awesome if Miss Liss shined her light into little ol' Black's eyes.(: She could give him his soul-become his solace! If only for a few chapters! PLEASE, prettttttty please aha. AND geez Franks such a-such a ho-bag, It seems like he's really got some feelings for that pretty little ex of his, therefore he must suffer! Black's in need of some lovin' and they could totally work out a deal. "If you leave you're douchebag of a husband, I'll give him back his mommy's home" And ta-da! Problem solved. Black can even pay off her debt! I guess we all know who I'm rooting for... heh. *CACKLE* I really love your story, please update soon.(: I'm sorry for the long review. :[
shiverfox chapter 15 . 6/21/2011
Awesome story! You have a way with words, and all of the characters in the story are interesting. One thing that did bother me was Tanya's personality-swings from cowardly to !INCREDIBLY-ABNORMALLY-FEARLESS! I do find her amusing whenever she shows that side of her, though, and I'm glad she's been showing more and more of her bravery. I love your story, and I have so much fun picturing everything that the characters do. I look forward to your next update!
update chapter 15 . 6/20/2011
UPDATE UPDATE! Please update!
elle chapter 15 . 6/20/2011
I can't believe I missed all the new updates! I hope she forgets about that jerk of an ex-boyfriend of hers.
Lexy7432 chapter 15 . 6/18/2011
No, you didn't disappoint me all, it was great. thanx for the update. I can't wait for the next chapter. :D
GreatestLove653 chapter 15 . 6/14/2011
I really love the heat that is building between the two. Ha ha i hope we dont have to wait long for the next chapter!
saritta chapter 15 . 6/14/2011
awwww i love him more and more every time
Beibhinn Celia Blackwood chapter 15 . 6/14/2011
Absolutely love it! Please tell me that you'll update extremely soon? :)
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