Reviews for Dear Tragedy
ClownQueen chapter 10 . 10/8/2008
awesomely great chapter, even if it was just a chapter to have out there. I liked it, and I'm glad that they finally did something, even if she might regret it now. I think this story gets better and better, and I can't wait for the next update!
Trench Coats Suck chapter 9 . 10/8/2008
That was a great pace and a really good chapter
ClownQueen chapter 9 . 10/7/2008
Rushed or not, I think it would be fine either way. This story seems to get better and better each chapter, & i can't wait to read more! Update soon!
ClownQueen chapter 4 . 10/6/2008
I just started reading this today, and so far i LOVE it! ?It's really well typed, and I love Hayley so far. And Jayme! He's awesome. Anyway, I'd say update, which you should, but later I gotta catch up. Great story, can't wait to find out what happens next!
Trench Coats Suck chapter 8 . 10/6/2008
Really great pace like off the charts good no Jayme what a shame so I have to ask how do you pronose it is it like Jay Me or like Jamie is this a dumb question maybe it is but I can't help it sorry anyway great story it's really awesome update asap
light.and.darkness.angel chapter 7 . 10/5/2008




i like hayley's character.

Trench Coats Suck chapter 7 . 10/4/2008
Not a bad pace this one as much I like this chapter a lot well written as always and I hope you update soon
Trench Coats Suck chapter 6 . 10/4/2008
I like this chapter buy yeah it still needs to slow down
Trench Coats Suck chapter 5 . 10/4/2008
So I think JAYMIE is really sweet and the whole punching thing I love a good fight scene over a girl but seriously, I'm going to be dead honest this chapter should be in the story I loved it but maybe later you know still what done is done and I did honestly like it so just try and slow it down
Trench Coats Suck chapter 4 . 10/4/2008
I really like this chapter at some points i FELT like it was sort of rushed they barely know each other and he was a little to upset about the business thing anyway still it was good
Trench Coats Suck chapter 3 . 10/4/2008
I liked it but it felt like the mood changed far to quckly with the whole sleeping to the top thing one minute he was being a jerk and then he was all like sorry just believing her and she sort of laughed it off you know it just didn't work try to keep things realitic and let things play out more so when the mood changes it feels right
Trench Coats Suck chapter 2 . 10/4/2008
Well I like Jayme his really funny and offbeat I like that oh and a drummer cool really well written chapter loved it [I know what an unoriginal saying loved it]
Trench Coats Suck chapter 1 . 10/4/2008
I like the beginning great story I am a sucker for musican romances you know what I mean lol anyway great start and I like the main charactor she's a little different you know but not so much that you wouldn't believe she was real or couldn't be your friend I should have just said she was likeable but I dragged it out lol anyway I read your profile and I get the feeling this charactor might be based on you am I right lol
light.and.darkness.angel chapter 6 . 10/1/2008

loved the end


"Yeah, honey?"

"Please make sure i don't do anything stupid."

you have a GREAT writing style, LOVE IT
light.and.darkness.angel chapter 5 . 9/22/2008
liked the ending line

update soon plzz
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