Reviews for Ondes |
Roomba chapter 28 . 2/22/2023 How have you been? I hope you are well. Are you still writing or into writing? Even if this is on hiatus I would love to read more of your other works. |
Stagnant.Sleep chapter 2 . 11/30/2020 Hi, I love this story, but I need to take down a guest review I left... Tried messaging you with no response. Please message me when you can. Thanks |
Stagnant.Sleep chapter 15 . 1/2/2018 Love the chapter, the ending especially! |
A Dying Species chapter 23 . 12/29/2017 Wow. The writing in this chapter was VERY good. I really enjoyed the pace and your word choices. |
Stagnant.Sleep chapter 1 . 12/13/2017 And I’m back! It’s been years since I’ve read this thing, but something about the Winter season just lulls me to this again. Love how poetic it is; truly a masterpiece :) |
Quarried Times chapter 28 . 11/15/2017 Damn dude this story is great! I wish there was more...makes me want to write my own about brother-cest! It's just so awesome omg. You're an amazing writer. I hope you keep writing to this lovely story. I love Sebby so much and Jaime is so hot. Thanks for sharing this with the world! |
omgxD chapter 28 . 10/6/2017 This story has been a huge inspiration to me. I almost cried during this story. At first I shipped Sebastian and Hale and then Sebastian and Jame...but now? I have no clue. I wish Sebastian would stop messing with Jame though. Even that's a really sucky thing for Sebastian to do, he's still my favorite character. I've noticed that whichever brother he's closest to at the time and someone calls his name, Sebastian will answer saying "Yes *insert which brother he is closest to at the moment*. And Hale...I remember when I first read this story I hated him, but now? I like him. Even though he's very fragile, he's a very sweet character. the beginning of the story I hated him, but now I like him. I actually read it as "Jamie" at first, lol. Also, Hale's life sucks. I mean, he has to pay for his college fees, he got practically raped, he's abused, yeah his life sucks. So the mom is moving away to say him...whoa, things are getting spiced up. It's very cruel for you to leave us on a cliffhanger so update when you can. And the mom and dad...damn, get along already. They did get along for a little while when the piano came. This story in a way reminds me of my family...although no where as bad. Anyways, I really liked the casserole scene at the beginning of the story. And I liked the scene where Sebastian saves my precious Snowflake from getting raped. And I liked the scene in the laundry room with Se and Jame. And I like-okay, you know what? I liked every scene. So I guess it's time to end this review. Please update soon. I know it's been years, but I still have some faith. Even though I really want you to update this story, take your time and take care of yourself. I don't want you feeling stressed because I keep bugging you about updating. Anyways, so this story has been an awesome ride and it's one of my all time favorite stories on this site! Cheers, Cupcakes, and Insanity, Me~ |
Popcorn xD idek chapter 28 . 8/12/2017 Ya the storm is coming but u haven't updated in like 4 years Jk I love your story I just hope you'd continued updating it |
Meep chapter 28 . 11/8/2016 Its been 3 years you lil **** |
Guest chapter 28 . 4/13/2016 Huhuhu |
Guest chapter 26 . 4/13/2016 Please update |
Zantedeschia chapter 28 . 12/18/2015 I don't like Hale, he's way too Fragile and effin feminime. He's the oldest for gods sakes, pull it together. Hale is the Submissive type that won't initiate anything first because he's doesn't have the balls. I like the youngest tho, he's direct and aggresive, brave and front, and he already Loves the Middle one too. All it takes is for the Protagonist to come to Love the youngest |
Beth chapter 28 . 10/14/2015 Is this dropped? |
Guest chapter 28 . 1/26/2015 Damn when will you update? |
Guest chapter 23 . 1/26/2015 He sounds line a paranoid schizophrenic... Or a puppy that's been kicked one too many times. |