Reviews for Hopelessness is my second home
clever chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
BatsandBows chapter 1 . 10/9/2008
When in Rome we do as the Romans,

When at home we live in a box.

I love how you write; it doesn't make any sense, yet it does in a strange way.

Also... about this book you're writing-"murder and melodrama mellowed into teenage fiction." I would love to hear it, if you don't mind my pushiness into you posting it.
simpleplan13 chapter 1 . 9/14/2008
"Though you’re about a as my phone line,"... I like that line a lot. The spacing works really well and the simile is unique and fits well.

The whole piece is really great. Your descriptions are poetic, interesting, different and intelligent. I also like the play on words/alliteration like "fantasy...fashionista" and "hench wench" The ending is really sweet. Awesome piece.

PS If you're bored this weekend check out the Review Game's Review Marathon (link in my profile)
kit feral chapter 1 . 9/12/2008
Though you’re about a as my phone line,

You’re the Mecca of my world.

Love love love love love.

It had an odd flow, but the third time I read it, it fit better. I think I was looking for rhyming or something, just because of the format.

But it's brilliant.