Reviews for Kisses on a Valentine's Day
Chiclets chapter 1 . 2/7/2009
Ha ha, cute. S'funny why this is the one I decide to comment on, but Valentine's Day is coming up anyways and it's just been on my mind.

Thank you for faving me; I'm flattered. I also want to comment on your bio, only because I am the same with the first and second sentence and the first half of the fourth sentence. Heh. I like System of a Down a bit, though. And electronica rawks.

I'll stop being a creeper now and shut up.
angel1357 chapter 1 . 9/15/2008
Very cute! Beautiful job!
Jayla chapter 1 . 9/15/2008
aww, your story is so sweet. i like it very much. but i think its too short?

i would love to read another of your story XD