Reviews for Sophomore Year
its.Nothing.Special chapter 1 . 10/4/2008
So, basically, this is brilliant. You sound like a thinker and it's fantastic and it's curious and it makes me want to print it and hand it out to everyone in my grade so they can say, "Yeah, that's me," and I (and you) will know that you're not the only one who feels this way.

At the risk of sounding trite, this is ridiculously easy and painful to relate to. I just started my sophomore year as well, and I can see the biology we're learning and the "I know that a theme is a full sentence" and the seating charts and the in-class essays and the teachers (and students) who still don't know your name and the everything. It's amazing.

And the Greek stuff doesn't get old, really. Because it feels like freshman year's mythology unit and sophomore year all in one, and it feels like there's nothing in between, because really, there was nothing in between, and if there was, I must have missed it, and I really don't care because no one else seems that different anyway.

I love this. A couple typos here and there, and if your teachers aren't currently bombarding you with their pointless homework which they grade so anally, here are a few to fix:

[because you’re/ really only supposed to have this much fin in the summer]: fin fun.

[you're new First Day is Wednesday,] you're your.

That's probably it.

And I can't wait to see how this/the year progresses.


P.S. I saw this on Dot Cube's favorites list. Now it's going on mine.
Moo Loging on takes too long chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
Once again CC you are amazing. If I were as good at anything as you are at poetry, my life would be made. You make everything flow nicely, and you always pick interesting topics to write about. Keep it up.
ThisThingCalledLife chapter 1 . 9/21/2008
I love all the little observations and quirks you seem to notice. And the narroator (and I don't know if it's supposed to be you or not) is simply fabulous. He/she's quiet enough to tell the story, but witty and caustic enough to make a point with it. Possibly my new favorite of yours.
creepy kiss on tuesday chapter 1 . 9/19/2008
I like this a lot. It's little things like that about people that are really intriguing, whether they roll their eyes when they're annoyed, and if their nervous about making mistakes if they use pen.
jojoba-music-girl chapter 1 . 9/15/2008
Feels familiar, a bit of an outsider. I liked this very much, it's written from a different point of view! Good job!
DarkRose1593 chapter 1 . 9/15/2008
interesting viewpoints. I'm a sophomore too.
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