Reviews for Unsuspecting Secrets
AboutAs SubtleAs A FlyingBrick chapter 50 . 12/14/2015
This incest theme is getting really weird and gross.
AboutAs SubtleAs A FlyingBrick chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
Can't believe you have only 9 reviews yet have 68 chapters. I'm completely engrossed in this story after only 2! Absolutely love the style and characters so far. Can't wait to read more about them
Aquarian Love chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
Interesting chapter. The characters seem to be coming together and the need to find out more compells the reader to further read. Nice start.
RuKiA-sAmA chapter 68 . 5/6/2012
Awesome story!
MarmotYazik chapter 68 . 12/2/2010
OMG! Such an amazing read!

A few things though:

- The chapters changed person without a warning? It was a bit confusing, but yeah...

- Loads of characters were introduced, it made it a bit hard to follow...

BUUTT! I loved it! Seriously!

Off too read your other stories now (if there are any more...)
P.V Shann chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
Lol, this is the third time I've tried to start this review, just because I can't really think of what to say, but I think I've figured it out.

Why doesn't this spectacular story have more reviews?

I've been paging through Ficton Press looking for something that could really catch my attention, and everything I've tried reading before this, had failed. I've only read the first chapter, but I can say that I'm going to spend the next few weeks trying to read the rest where I can fit it in.
Bittersweet Lover chapter 4 . 8/20/2009
This is unbeleiveably great. I like your discription when theres fighting. Very good
Sasha chapter 65 . 8/17/2009
Excellent, this will keep me busy for a long time!
Empress of Darkness-Sasha0 chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
Yeah! Awesome. This totally hooked me. Great.
Guest chapter 35 . 11/14/2008
Hi. I loved this story and it says its complete but I'm wondering if you are writing more. Thething with reese and the others and preston isn't resolved and neither is the brotherly spat. And also the woman preston spared and what happened to lauren? Did she die? Oh and the thing with new york seems ra teeny bit exagerated. I know it adds to the atmosphere of the story but, do you live in ny? I do and it doesn't seem that bad. I always think of las vegas being worse just cause prostitution is legal and tourists goo there for shady reasons and a friend from college told me its a horrible place to grow up. But maybe cause I've never been there I think its worse than it is. I mean NY certainly has all the components you described but the average person who lives here doesn't experience all of them except for the thing with the bums being everywhere because that is absolutely true. If you use the subway at all you'll most likely see a bum or have a crazy one on your train that says random stuff or have one sleeping on a seat lengthwise in a collared shirt and dresspants with sunglasses on...but all the things that make ny scary are also part of what make it interesting. I mean have you ever been sitting in your car on the way to somewhere and seen some one pull a gun and shoot at someone in broad daylight on a street with lots of traffic. I have and I've also seen a female drugdealer beat down a junkie for her you know the weirdest thing of all, new yorkers aren't fazed by incidents like this. They look on and they say things like "thats why i don't do drugs" or they just go about thier business unaffected. New York isn't scary to new yorkers. They think nothing of sitting next to bums on the train or laughing at crazy and drunk people with strangers on the bus. Of course its unwise to be in a dark alley alone at one in the morning or even at a deserted bus-stop(because of serial rapists). But as long as you don't do those things or associate yourself with shady people you should be fine. If you do and something happens people will probably hear you screming but won't do anything. Some natives have wierd minds. My friend told me he once heard a guy beating up some girl right outside his window. I asked why he didn't help her thinking that he would say something about self preservation like "what if I get beaten up" but no he said she probably deserved it. He assumed the guy was an abusive boyfriend and it was her fault because she associated herself with him. I was horrifyed. But the more I get to know ny the more i realize that you can be raped mugged or killed anywhere byanyone at any time of day. There are sick minds everywhere.( although those who mug people aren't really sick thier just desperate.)There are also even crazy people that do good things. My doctor told me he had an intern working at the receptionists desk once and this guy off the street came up to her with a gun while the reception area was full of people and told her to give him drugs. She told him that they didn't have what he wanted and if he didn't leave she would call the police. The guy actually left. After the doctor recounted the story he proceded to tell me how crazy she was while making the universal crazy sign, you know the one where you move your index finger in a circle while pointing to your ear. What I think now is that she was just another of those products of ny. I guess being in a crazy environment makes you a little crazy. My friend is actually afraid of elevators because she lives in the projects and the elevators malfunction all the time. Apparently a kid also fell down an elevator shaft in her buiilding because the doors were open but the elevator wasn't there. The crazy thing is she still has to take elevators because she lives on the 37th floor and the stairwells are dangerous. This same person went to boarding school with me and often had trouble sleeping because she would wake up at the drop of a pin. When I asked her how she slept in ny she said she'd gotten used to the sound of gunshots and sirens. well yah this review was a sorry excuse for me to talk about ny I guess but if you read this far I guess it interested you and maybe it'll give you some ideas. I guess I'll tell you something I didn't liike about your story. In th second book your characters changed a little. The woman who said shed get an education if it killed her was still a stripper at 35ish. Understandably she'd had a daughter, but when kids are older parents can usually go to school. Also the horrific mother who once nearly beat her son to death suddenly wants to save this new son from being killed? Well I've taken enoughof your time. I think I'll sleep now.
noebody chapter 1 . 10/16/2008
it caught my interest