Reviews for Instant Chat Messengers Aren't That Fun
Kisa Mae chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
I really enjoined your story, it reminded me of one of my favorite urban legends. You did an awesome job!
FictionFree chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
This freaked me out... I'm never going on a chat online ever again! Jk...maybe. It is sooo true though. This has happened to too many people already. Keep writing.
WishBlade chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Very creepy! I kind of guessed that she would die at the end (considering this was under horror), but that didn't make it any less horrifying. Awesome job ]
LittleMissMurdered chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
That was actually really good for what it was. You had me predicting incorrectly and showed the sad truth about what happens out there. ): Kudos!
Llyhael Aquilla chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
whoa! this is cool and kinda creepy at the same time.

two thumbs up for you! :)
lickembrains chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Oh gosh. Everyone says not to talk to strangers and all that; common sense. But this story really brought it into a this-could-happen-to-you reality, and for that, kudos to you. And from this, I'd say you're good with horror! :O

Though I'd have to agree with closetninety that there were a few plot holes. But man, what a message. And to think when I clicked the link I was expecting a cute cliched story...
closetninety chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
You write well. The writing flows very smoothly,

as smoothly as printed books do.

But some parts of this plot bothers me.

It doesn't make sense to me.

It sounds like the 'stalker' wasn't someone she knew personally...

so how does he know that bit about everett?

(he says 'PlayWithMe: So this Everett seems to like you.')

& in the article, it says 'was concluded that the boy did not attend the high school', but the perpetrator is not a boy, or so the article says. also, it seems to me that it's too vague how they found all these features of the suspect.

Sorry. I'm trying to found all these problems in logic to not freak myself out. This is one pretty creepy fic, tho ;]
Closed Account Sorry Pal chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Oh wow, this is much more creepy then a horror story because it could happen in real life, i don't talk to people i don't know in RL because these kinds of things are not to be taken lightly, I can't even begin to imagine what her friends thought. It must have been hard to think about it.
Duuude chapter 1 . 12/20/2008
OMGSH. That's fucking scary. Wow.

You've scared me officially. I'm always crazy cautious when it comes to unknown internet people but wow, I am going to be even more cautious now.

Cause that is seriously something to be scared off.

Oh. You are good at horror. Well it's not that scary but it scared me off of internet strangers for sure.

Good job. What a creeper, I swear.
Jainblu chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
Oh wow! That s didn't go how I thought it would, and I'm so grateful for that. I liked the writing style and I think it being written this way was really a good technique to use in adding to the mystery.


I hope you keep writing.
Big Boots Man Of War chapter 1 . 10/21/2008
O.M.G! This is SCARY! I loved it tohugh.

The whole blood-stained dress mailed to the parents was twisted!

Well Done
eshlie chapter 1 . 10/21/2008
SunshineLuna chapter 1 . 10/19/2008
oh. scary! but good.
Long Island Iced Tea chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
This was awful. Brilliant. Exquisite. God I can't tell you how it affected me. It's just so realistic, so believable. You've got so much talent, this was so lovely and raw and understandable and SYMPATHIZABLE with, and the characters they were so well developed - Emmy, I could so sympathize with her!
DarkRose1593 chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
I thought it was great, very well-written, (though I'm honestly not all that into horror). :)
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