Reviews for You Stole My Heart
Shailaputri chapter 1 . 10/4/2018
Like it..But some solid reasons could have been provided for her stealing character
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
yayyyy never listen to those terrible magazines THEY'RE ALWAYS WRONG lesson of the day
heal me forever chapter 1 . 9/10/2012
ha!ha! dis is sweet nd damn damn adorable :)
blithe.serendipity chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Cute. I love your moral thing at the end. XD
Zayren Heart chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
That's freaking adorable. I loved it!

Mushypork chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
Hehe I loved this : D

"is she going to make me slip her a dollar for that?" bahahah so cute and funny 8D

great job!
Bleucrystale05 chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Oh my goodness! that was so cute and funny!

i loved the part where she asks him if he wanted it back and he gets confused...XD

the whole scene in the end is my favorite part. it was so sweet.. D: GAH..XD
AsianPearl101 chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
Whoo! Totaly awesome hilarius crazy romantic CRAZY stroy!

I Love it! It's so funny an O Jeez she did some prt embarrasing things I loved th story and mora of it it was hilariously writen.

I lov i!
starlit x sky chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
I loved it. I could go on all day about all the parts I loved but I won't, because it would take too long. But seriously, this story was brilliant.

Haha. But I will say one thing: I thought the part when she was questioning him was great. I absolutely loved the "they're like deep pools..." bit.

Another awesomely hilarious story!
midnigthdream5 chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
Aww this is really good! i fell for Jo straight away. I actually wish this had been longer and more detailed i think it would have made it better. But still well done!

Kat x
I Murder on Impulse chapter 1 . 5/13/2009

so cute!

Sir Pebbles chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Haha. Totally loved this story. It was so funny, and sweet at the end. Though I worry about Lula - sneaking into people's houses and creeping up on them? Lol! I loved that part. Poor Jo, all he wanted to do was make bacon and eggs... XD
MorbidAngelXxX chapter 1 . 4/29/2009
This was so amusing. She's a cooky girl. I enjoyed it a ton.
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
Aww... that was really cute!
Mithee chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
wow. *insert goofy face here* i really loved it_ it was so cute! i love lula~ hehe, she and her density are so funny~ this fic is so funny and so sweet_ heart heart heart it.
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