Reviews for The Path of Destiny
I caught myself chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
This is really good. You are veru talented. Well Done.
DTX214 chapter 36 . 6/11/2012
great story! :)
DTX214 chapter 20 . 6/8/2012
KillerButterfly chapter 36 . 3/6/2012
I just started reading a path of destiny when i noticed that all your other stories were only a couple chapters since you decided to hide them.

I've noticed you hadn't update this story in a long time and i hope that you might soon! It's a really really good story
dcphoenix1 chapter 36 . 7/12/2011
I really liked this story. I do hope that you will finish this story one day...
Lyssa Barnes chapter 36 . 6/29/2011
I find this story quite interesting. I hope you are inspired to finish it.
sweetpea265 chapter 36 . 4/20/2011
Please finish this story! Still enjoying it immensely. Hope you can find the time and inspiration :)
sweetpea265 chapter 21 . 4/20/2011
Very cool story. I noticed that some of the names are getting mixed up. I don't think you have any in this chapter, but the battle chapter had some confusing parts in it. Still loving it though :)
sweetpea265 chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Cool. I'm liking it. It's very different from anything I've read previously.
witz13 chapter 36 . 12/4/2010
HI! awesome story! i love ur writing, have u considered publishing ebooks? r u going to continue with this story? i am praying really hard u would, coz i am really curious how this story will pan out.
Dafje1994 chapter 36 . 5/19/2010

Omgosh! How can you quit updating such a story!

I know it has been like super long ago since you last updated a chapter, but please! You cant quit at this point x]

Haha, sorry for my english, but i am Dutch.. so there's the problem right Haha.. x'] Just so you know, i love all your stories..

The wolf's serie is just stunning! I just love it! :D

Hope you'll write more stories/series like that!

Jinxed Rogue chapter 36 . 5/3/2010
Good update! :D
Alice Novak chapter 36 . 5/3/2010
Wow, despite your long awaiting updates on this story, you still manage to hook me in!

ehh~ I love this story! Please continue with it as much as possible! XDD

(hearts!) Deli .x
let.this.go chapter 35 . 4/5/2010
I have really enjoyed this story so far. I can't imagine how you come up with an entirely different world. It's really cool! I wish I could visit Skyloku! The only thing that I think needs to be changed if you ever rewrite or edit the story would be to change some of the character's names so they aren't so similar. I keep mixing up Wildsong and Wildstar and then there's also Wildraven. Then sometimes I have to read back over parts to see if it's Nightwind or Nightshade. It sort of takes away from imagining the story when you have to stop every once and a while and figure out which character it is. But it's not a very big deal and otherwise, everything is great! I really enjoy the characters and creatures in Skyloku, as well as all the descriptions you give. I can't wait for the next update!
Shinigami RULES chapter 35 . 3/23/2010
ive always like this series and I am really happy that you posted the next chapter. Can't wait for the next and hope to find out where Skystorm is.

As always, your humble servant

Shinigami RULES
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