Reviews for Broken Wings |
Mickey Phinney chapter 1 . 6/19/2023 Hi I just wanted to say :) congratulations on being published. I've recently come back and been slowly buying the books I enjoyed of my fav fiction press stories. I hope you're able to get moonlight printed too. I'd buy it up in a jiffy. |
Encore19 chapter 79 . 11/3/2020 I have come back to reread this story as I read it many years ago as a gay slah-loving teen. I love the quality of writing. Even with the odd grammar mistake the writing is still really good and I hope to similarly gain in skill with my own writing. I'm off to read Moonlight again next. |
Darkheartsfiction chapter 1 . 9/25/2017 Loved this story so much! I follow all your others on your website and have been following since you started the sequel on Izeri. Your writing skills never cease to impress. |
Menmory chapter 79 . 7/25/2017 Bonsoir, Il est 2h36 du matin chez moi et je viens juste de finir cette fiction. Je suis tomber dessus par hasards tout à l'heure et j'ai été prise par l'histoire! Ton monde, le vois-tu toujours de cette façon? Il est magnifique! J'aimerais tellement vivre dans un monde comme ça. En plus de tes personnages attachants, l'univers à l'air superb! J'ai toujours eut un faible pour les êtres fantastiques, et toi tu as carrément développer plusieurs races, qui possèdent eux même leurs propres particularités: j'adore! Je ne lis pas de threesome en plus, mais tu m'en a donner le goût. Je ne pouvais pas imaginer Jak avec l'un sans l'autre. C'était les deux ou rien! J'ai bien vue que cette histoire date de 8 ans, et je l'ai découvert assez tard, cela fait 1 ans que je me met aux histoires anglaises. Je suis vraiment triste de ne pas l'avoir découverte plutôt! C'est vraiment une perle! S'il y avait un livre avec de belles illustration et traduit en français, je me Le serait procurer! Le fait qu'il n'y ai que des hommes est un plus pour moi! J'adore les boy's love et les filles en générale sont très chiante, la c'était juste parfait! Merci du fond du cœur, j'espère que tu continues à écrites et que tu as réussi à te faire connaître en tant qu'auteur parce que tu as réussi à faire ce que les écrivains font: prodiguer un véritable rêve! Au revoir, Une fan venant de France, ~ Sei |
WhyWeWashTheWindows chapter 79 . 6/9/2017 I started this story and then after Akitra came in I stopped because I usually don't like stories with rape in them. For some reason though I gave it another try and I loved it. I couldn't stop reading and not a single chapter after Jak got off the boat was boring. While I wish Zaiden was punished or hurt more, I'm glad his interference helped them all get together in the end. I had hoped that was where it was going or even just Jak and Akitra together when it became clear he wasn't a total asshole lol. The point is I loved it. I would eventually like to read Izeris pov if only to see Jaks story from an outside perspective but I need a little break from the intense emotions your words ignite. I hope you write a sequel with Jak one day even if it's just fluff. Thanks for writing this amazing story! |
Laanais chapter 79 . 12/8/2016 Very beautiful universe and story Very good happy end |
serwaverider chapter 23 . 9/9/2016 I have strong issues with bullies and grow tired with doormats, people who lay down to let others walk all over them. Parents must really hate their children to send them to such a place where staff can't protect them from violence and rape. My favorite genre is fantasy/supernatural but not S/M. I liked the originality but not the domination so this is where I stopped reading. |
hey chapter 1 . 8/13/2016 just something i wanted to ask of you, could you make a small short story of how finch and reese met. |
shiina chapter 22 . 8/5/2016 Honestly I liked this story at the beginning and I really tried to give it a chance even after all the rapey stuff happening but no, just no. Jak is a complete moron to go to the party in the first place knowing Akitra, the guy who keeps threatning to rape him, was there and that he has no way to defend himself (by the way that is such bullshit). And then after the horse vampire and shival attack he just talks to Akitra like no big deal, like he didn't just break his arm in the most sadistic way. He could have just let the shival eat him, seriously. Sorry for the rant but I hate when characters are such weak push-overs, even more so to their aggressor. So yeah, I'm done. |
Valia Exendra chapter 79 . 5/20/2016 I don't think anyone would believe me if I said I read this for the plot, but it's true. Your world building is so beyond amazing. I'd read a whole book just based in your explanations of the different types of magic and faeries in the world. The were-spirit and Mage magic energy chapter is one of my favourites. I will definitely buy the book as soon as I can! Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece. (I also really liked your little mention of Earth with Shae) |
Lavi1443 chapter 79 . 3/31/2016 It was such an awesome story, I'm actually a little bit interested in reading more about Charias and the were culture, do you have a story with weres as main characters? |
Selfinflicted Poison chapter 79 . 2/11/2016 Just... Effing, friggin wow. I wish I could've reviewed every chapter, but I honestly could'nt stop long enough, I had to read the next chap yesterday! I will try to do better on the second round tho. :) Awesome work, I did'nt want it to end! |
Guest chapter 79 . 1/23/2016 Awesome! |
SomethingSimsy chapter 74 . 10/16/2015 Well... I've never read anything more depressing in my entire life. |
SomethingSimsy chapter 72 . 10/16/2015 I'm dead. My heart is gone. I want to hug Jak. Most of all, I want Maika to get his wings clipped again XD |