Reviews for The Tides of Glory
Shoob chapter 12 . 12/7/2008
I've spent a lot of time yesterday and today reading this and I can sum up my genreal opinion in one word: DAMN!

This isn't the style of stuff that I normally get into, but I decided to check it out and something hooked me. You're just an amazing storyteller. Now I'm going to have to read your other stuff.

Of particular note, the conclusion in the last chapter is something that I literally saw in my head as I read it and it felt like the dramatic final scene of a big budget movie with Annie narrating it.

If this ever gets published I'll get the hardcover and put it on the top shelf.
fag chapter 1 . 12/5/2008
you suck. you should never write another story again. my nose bled when i read your story
n9voc chapter 5 . 10/22/2008
A wonderful story, well told thus far! What does the future hold for Annie? We see more of this world of Glory, and learn more of it's beauties and mysteries. 'Down must be short for some name of this orbiting intelligence - is it the original ship that they crossed the stars in? time will tell!

I really want to see how this race pans out!

A truly beautiful world, thanks for inviting us into it!

'nuff said