Reviews for The Band Geek's Dictionary
Bandgeek275 chapter 27 . 10/18/2016
I remember reading this while you updated the last few chapters and now I've read it again as a senior who's almost done with band. Thank you so much for the story and I've loved it so much! Amazing story!
Nuage Elendril Majuinn chapter 27 . 5/14/2016
I just finished reading your story, and I wanted to thank you for writing it. It was funny, fluffy and angsty, just like I love!
I'm gonna read "Just Because" now! I've been shipping Parker and Alex since the first time they were mentioned, I'm so excited ~
Gweatherwax chapter 27 . 5/3/2016
You are a goodish author, but giving your entire plot and end away before people reach 1/3 of the story- Just Because, btw - is incredibly stupid. It kills the story and makes you look like you don't care about it.
John chapter 27 . 11/26/2015
Reading this in 2015 I loved it!
PurpleSkyLover chapter 11 . 10/31/2015
I loveloveloveloveLOVE parker. but yet...I don't know if I like him with cam cause I fell cam need some strong dude to cuddle with
PurpleSkyLover chapter 8 . 10/31/2015
at this point in time I am really hoping Cam will find another guy, because like it's been said Travis is straight and he is just hurting himself for liking him so much. he needs a guy that won't care and hold him without hesitation and love him with all his heart.
PurpleSkyLover chapter 3 . 10/30/2015
kasifsaidfihan. just love for the adorable greeky cam
PurpleSkyLover chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
I love this so far!
Xoruna chapter 27 . 7/30/2015
This is pretty old now but still so enjoyable! I especially liked this because I'm going back to band camp soon, hehe. I really loved all the different characters in the story; they were are so unique and interesting. I can't wait to get started on Just Because. It looks just as good as this story. Great job again! :)
stix4life chapter 5 . 4/19/2015
Love the story so far and GOD I miss marching band!
ZZXV chapter 27 . 10/14/2014
Loved this story! :D
890709 chapter 25 . 9/26/2014
Man, i just love your sense of humor...or the way of writing.
BandGeek3 chapter 27 . 6/15/2014
Erhmergahsh! I am such an absolute band geek myself (I play the baritone- Our section has this funny little feud with the trombones xD) Anyways, I just loved loved loved this story! I thought that it was very brilliantly written, and Cam and Travis are just the most adorable ever! 3 Bandgeekdom forevah
AKhwab chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
Earlier in this chapter you said Cameron was straight and now he is gay? I am terribly confused.
sarahcon97 chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
I came across this by accident and I absolutely love it. Better than half of the pathetic teen romance books I've read, and extremely accurate with the marching band culture! I'm so glad I found this. This story was a result in a google search about high school bands and little did I know that it was going to occupy the next 4 hours of my life!
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