Reviews for Willa |
g chapter 13 . 2/25/2009 Sir Charles is very intriguing. All of his past 'friends' including his eldest son don't like him. There have been plenty hints that he isn't a true friend but just how far has it gone to earn such intense dislike... |
Jainblu chapter 13 . 2/25/2009 Review number 95 ] on the way... on the way. kay haven't been reviewing much, but i have been reading. in all writing quality is up to scratch.. content interesting still, just maybe ive gotten into a pattern of not reviewing.. i dunno. got lots o work to do to ] but did i tell you how much i love reading the little history snippets.. because its a cool way of learning how much research.. (or you know maybe you already had this knowledge/ who knows.. but i figure for the most part its research that) you put into it.# okay |
Contrary to Ordinary chapter 13 . 2/25/2009 great strory!im really enjoying and keep checking back every day cause im hooked :) you have a wonderful talent for writing! |
batzmaru chapter 13 . 2/25/2009 thanks for updating. the name "errol" keeps reminding me of errol flynn. since this story's loosely based on "mansfield park", is there going to be a character here who is the equivalent of Mary Crawford? |
blurrylights chapter 13 . 2/25/2009 I absolutely ADORE when you update! this story is so simple and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :) Errol and Willa are so cute together! the entire playing in the rain scene made my heart melt. AHH! They really do need to get together soon. anywho, update soon! and keep up the great work, obviously. :) |
blurrylights chapter 12 . 2/18/2009 ASHER LIKES EMMA! HE LOVES HER! Ha ha. I'm happy. :) Can Willa and Errol just get together already? They're PERFECT for each other, and this is annoying me now. THEY NEED TO MARRY EACH OTHER AND HAVE 3 CARS AND 2.6 CHILDREN like the average American. And yes, I am aware that they are NOT americans, but still. They need to make adorable babies and love each other forever! :) *sigh* I adore this story. Update soon! P.S. Your updates come at the best possible times for me. Great timing! |
batzmaru chapter 12 . 2/17/2009 I'm liking this story more than I liked "Mansfield Park"! My only nitpick is that I can't really differentiate between the characters of Mr. Asher and Mr. Lori. Will one of them turn into Willa's Henry Crawford? |
Flawed Humanity chapter 12 . 2/16/2009 Guessing it's about Emma? :D |
tffny012 chapter 12 . 2/15/2009 i love this story! is something going to grow between emma and asher? |
ShesJustAPerson chapter 12 . 2/15/2009 Seriously this is my favorite story on FP todate. Everytime I read a chapter I go back to the victiorian period. Keep up the good work, I will be waiting for the next chapter as patientily as I can. :) |
IheartStewart20 chapter 12 . 2/15/2009 I love how Willa and Errol are getting closer. It's also cute how Errol doesn't think himself worthy of Willa. At least that's what it looks like to me. While Willa may be socially inferior, he thinks himself inferior to her. I like that contrast. It increases the tension. Ooh la la. I love love love this! I'm really looking forward to more. I wonder what Asher wants to speak about with Willa... perhaps about Emma? Hm. |
violinrunner chapter 12 . 2/15/2009 It was a really good fix! Thanks for listening! Anyway, awesome chapter. I was kind of sorry that we didn't get to see the rest of Lori's letter. I imagine it would have been quite amusing. When you switched back to Nadia and Emma's conversation, was the "they" they were talking about Errol and Willa? Great chapter! Can't wait to see what's next. |
Faith Adeline chapter 12 . 2/14/2009 I liked it. I think he likes Emma :) Keep it up and update soon! Faith |
VanillaCentaur chapter 12 . 2/14/2009 Lovely, lovely. I was waiting for the whole Asher-Emma relationship to come more out into the open. :) 'Tis wonderful... I love that Abigail is slowly being inched out of the relationship circles. :D |
g chapter 12 . 2/14/2009 I'll take a stab at it. Was Asher trying to relay his interest in a certain Vincent sister who isn't a biatch? I hope so anyway. The way Abigail behaves I don't want her with anyone that is a remotely decent human being. They don't deserve to be that miserable. I don't know but Lori makes me weary, I'm not too sold on his character but I'll wait and see. And I adore Errol and Willa. |