Reviews for Shadows of the World
Pin Ko R chapter 27 . 5/10/2012
seriously this story rocks!
The Imagination Addict chapter 27 . 5/22/2011
what really kept me reading this story was the fantasy elements. it's quite interesting, although i personally don't really like that a teenager has the power to decide who lives n dies! but that aside, it was a pretty enjoyable read. i have to say that i prefer 'i still remember' though. the romance in that book is a lot better developed. by the way, u'd get a lot more traffic for ur stories if u classified them under romance instead of young adult. :) n since there's quite a bit of romance anyway, it'd be fine.
cheesecake15 chapter 27 . 1/18/2011
I really, really, unconditionally love this story.

It is so unique, and the plot, I thought was brilliant. I bow down to your imagination and lovely writing style. You kept me engrossed and on my toes basically the whole time. So, dearest boomxheadshot, congratulations on the fabulous story.

Happy Writing . xx .
x.betweenthelines chapter 27 . 11/17/2010
I really loved this story. The 'supernatural' world was definitely interesting- I like that you strayed away from vampires/werewolves. The only problem I had was how quickly Clio and Carson's romance developed. Other than that, I really love this story and I think it deserves a ton more reviews :) Well done!
humanprose chapter 24 . 8/21/2009
I've been reading avidly till now and I so completely plan to continue till I finish. :D I love this.

I just hope comes together as much as possible in the last three chapters. Amazing work!
evizyt chapter 7 . 6/4/2009
ah this story is fabulous!

Your writing style is so deliciously descriptive. I feel so invested in the story. I'm so glad it's complete-I wouldn't be able to handle a cliffhanger!

This is utterly amazing. I adore it. Thank you for writing it )

I must now keep reading!
jade cullen-black chapter 6 . 2/21/2009
so is carson like a wizard or something? and whats up with him and james?
jade cullen-black chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
i like this ff already! clio reminds me of bella from the twilight books(only much less annoying). i cant wait to see how ths ff plays out
kiwi289 chapter 6 . 2/4/2009
o.o Now I'm thoroughly confused. Carson turns grass into butterflies.

So the plot thickens. :)
kiwi289 chapter 5 . 2/4/2009
Silly girl, dreams have worlds of meaning. Unfortunately, not always easy to interpret.

-sigh- Speaking of dreams, I should be getting to bed.
kiwi289 chapter 4 . 2/4/2009
Ah, the joy of skipping class for the first time.

I'm interested to see where this goes. And if Clio and Carson get together. :)
kiwi289 chapter 3 . 2/3/2009
You have a gorgeous writing style. I honestly think you should send this out to publishers if you haven't already.
kiwi289 chapter 2 . 2/3/2009
/ *hugs Clio* Boys are much too confusing for our own good.
kiwi289 chapter 1 . 2/3/2009
So, it's late at night and I know I don't have school tomorrow because of the snow. So I decided to find some good romance to read. I found this and now I'm in love, with both you and your story. :D
flying-away-before-your-eyes chapter 1 . 1/10/2009
I love this story so much! As I do all of your stories! It's surprising, but I've been reading all of your stories for over a year now! On Quizilla at first, lol.

You are an absolutely amazing writer, and I'm in so much suspense with this story...Oh and the lady's face being on that guy was SO creepy! And the other way round xO

Keep up the amazing work!...I have no doubt you will :)
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