Reviews for Step Outside
Rachel Adams chapter 8 . 2/16/2010
Matt and Shelly should hook up though i have a feeling shes going to end up with cody instead!
mels chapter 28 . 2/16/2010
naw! thats so cute!
AwesomeEyes chapter 28 . 2/15/2010
Again, amazing! Thanks for updating so fast. Made my day!

Love Eyes
morphine and lollipops chapter 28 . 2/15/2010
All my fav stories are updating! Yeah!
girlinthepinkconverse chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
Very nice story! I love it! Excited to read the other chapters...when I have a break in my HW. (blah) But very good. I like Matt's character, he seems pretty cool so far. And as you asked, i like Shelly a lot too. :)
alphabeatkaygee chapter 28 . 2/15/2010
Aw! They're just too cute.. Everybody! An epilogue next! I an excited... Soo let's hope that comes soon!
Neener chapter 28 . 2/15/2010
Hm, it was obviously not Matt. Good for him and Carson though. As for Shelly, I'm really glad she performed and could somehow get over Matt. As for Cody...I don't know about him. He's not exactly my fav or the guy I would want to see Shelly end up with...but we'll see. Cant wait for the epilogue and will definitely vote for a sequel! :) Thanks for writing
mels chapter 27 . 2/15/2010
naww poor shelly..i hope she gets a guy
CreativeChick233 chapter 27 . 2/14/2010
Yeah, I definately liked it! :) . So, is there gonna be another story after this one? I hope so...cause i'm shure she isn't gonna fall in love with someone in the next chapter or two (; .
AwesomeEyes chapter 27 . 2/13/2010
Thanks for updating! Amazing Chapter. I cant wait for the net one. I hope that Shelly will play one of her songs.

Love Eyes
funnechick chapter 27 . 2/13/2010
Matt is so sweet. I thought for sure though that Shelly was going to blurt out her feelings.

I'm very curious to see how you're going to end this. I just hope that Matt's comments and actions will be able to erase the damage that Francis' comments had on Shelly.
AlphaBeatKayGee chapter 27 . 2/13/2010
WEreel look! An update! It was just precious! At first I yhought you were gonna make her dumb and have her tell matt hoew she felt bout him, but you didn't! Greattnneesiittyy! So... 2 more huh? No sequel either ? Update soon! And gL with school
morphine and lollipops chapter 27 . 2/12/2010
Matt is officially adorable.

Update soon?
Neener chapter 27 . 2/12/2010
OMG I cannot wait to see what's gonna happen next! I feel so excited reading this and I really enjoyed it alot! Brilliant story :)No, it's okay I've been waiting for this day and it finally came and it made me feel so happy. I'm crazy for this story it's just so awesome and you're a terrific writer! I'll wait however long it will take :D

I hope Shelly gets a good ending. Wait, there will be a sequel right? THERE HAS TO BE! DX I would die if there wasn't Really in love with this story Cant wait for next chapter!

I know it may be impossible but I wish Matt could feel the same way Shelly does. If only he did...But another awesome dude popping outta nowhere is fine too as long as Shelly can be happy :) Sorry for talking so much I started jumping and squealing and omg-ing when I saw there was an update XD HAHA! I really am crazy over a story but this is really genius
AwesomeEyes chapter 26 . 1/17/2010
Oh that was so good! I wish I could write like you! Simply amazing! Im in love with this story! Please update soon.

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